Gleiche Person? 17.4.2021
Ich bin der Meinung das nolimits108 aus Berlin und devlike
aus Darmstadt dieselbe Person sind. Was sagt ihr dazu?
0 Kommentare, 5 Angesehen,
2 Stimmen
,1.04 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Junge Geilheit 17.2.2021
Suche junge Frauen mit Zeit, die alten geilen Trucker begleiten
0 Kommentare, 14 Angesehen,
11 Stimmen
,0.55 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Reale Stute gesucht 20.9.2020
Reale Stute im Raum Oberbayern gesucht. meldet euch
0 Kommentare, 8 Angesehen,
7 Stimmen
,0.75 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Unkompliziertes Treffen! 18.8.2020
Ich freue mich darauf sexuelle Fantasien mit gleichgesinnten
zu teilen. Leichte Fesselspiele oder zur Abwechslung
mal eine Augenbinde? <br><br>
Lange und intensive Vorspiele oder ein Quickie in der Umkleide
? oder ein nettes Outdoor Erlebnis ? da bin ich flexibel.
Natürlich ab und zu mal was neues ausprobieren wie sexy
Rollenspiele. Am besten in sexy [COLOR ...
0 Kommentare, 14 Angesehen,
8 Stimmen
,0.70 Gesamtpunktzahl |
einfach geilheit ausleben 29.3.2018
Ich suche ne Frau, die mit mir zusammen vor der Webcam sex
hat. Mag es, wenn ich dabei beobachtet werde. <br><br>
Jemand Lust dazu?
1 Kommentare, 20 Angesehen,
10 Stimmen
,1.59 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Ungewöhnliche Suche (w2) 4.6.2017
ich m/46/Dom-sad suche hier das nicht Alltägliche. Es
sollte sich eine feste familiäre Beziehung entwickeln,
gerne auch 24/7... Näheres auf Nachfrage, bin regelmäßig
im IMC.
0 Kommentare, 4 Angesehen,
1 Stimmen
,1.10 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Aktualität und Wahrhaftigkeit der Profile 11.5.2017
Guten Tag zusammen,
mich würde mal interessieren, wie ihr die Aktualität
der Profile hier unter dem Aspekt des realen Kennenlernen
Wenn ich mir die Profile so anschaue, die mich besucht haben
und mir regelmäßig einen Besuch abstatten, oder auch
selbst einfach mal drauf los stöbere, drängt sich schon
die Frage auf, ob das hier nicht zu einer Art ...
0 Kommentare, 4 Angesehen,
3 Stimmen
,2.45 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Herrschaft gesucht 15.6.2016
ich ein Bi-Sklave suche Herrschaft die mich vor einer Webcam
hart rannimmt , bis auf Kaviar und Blut habe ich keine Tabus.
Wer führt mich vor und bietet mich anderen an. Man kann
auch fotos und Filme von mir machen.
0 Kommentare, 9 Angesehen,
1 Stimmen
,1.10 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Die Morgenlatte 17.9.2011
Die Morgenlatte
da wacht man so aus dem Schlaf auf und siehe da er steht wie
eine Eins, was nun? Wenn jetzt eine von euch da wäre, was könnten wir einen
Spaß haben. Ich mach es dir schön von hinten, so habe ich
beide Hände frei und kann mit den Titten etwas spielen.
So macht es dir auch Spaß, Ja ? da merke ich das ich es mir
ja selber mache, was auch sonst ist ja keine(r) da. da ...
0 Kommentare, 29 Angesehen,
3 Stimmen
,2.94 Gesamtpunktzahl |
wanna fuck around with a tiny twink? finacial interests! 12.9.2011
rollenspiele, altersspiele, die sanfte verführung
eines unerfahrenen, das zureiten einer blasmaulsissy,
drunksex, leichte missbrauchsspiele, ein homemadeporno
(mit maske) drehen, mich zu zweit in die mitte nehmen, oder
wir dich, mit jungen schwänzen spielen, dir gepflegt
einen blasen lassen, meinen kopf festhalten damit ich
schlucken und weitermachen muss, massagen mit happyend,
oder deine ...
0 Kommentare, 13 Angesehen,
0 Stimmen
Harte Abrichtung und benutzung durch mich, später auch durch andere.. 18.8.2011
Freie Stelle als Submassive
Nach Aufgabe der selbständigen Entscheidungsfreiheit
und völliger Entrechtung auf Zeit stehen Sie unter der
Kontrolle des Anzeigenschreibers. Sie haben die Möglichkeit
bei fremdbestimmter Zeiteinteilung die ihnen übertragenen
Aufgaben zu erledigen. Diese drehen sich rund um die Lust
und des Vergnügens des ...
1 Kommentare, 85 Angesehen,
4 Stimmen
,2.86 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Obdachlosmachersex 1.11.2010
Falls ein Mädel auf Suche ist bei jemand einzuziehen &
irgendwann alleine sein will oder ihre Freundin zu ihr
zieht. Ob es geschehen wird - wer weiß. (näheres: siehe mein Profil).
0 Kommentare, 100 Angesehen,
0 Stimmen
Vaterung 17.9.2010
Welche ledige ungebundene Frau bis ca. 40 (schlank oder
schlank/muskulös), schwanger oder vielleicht schwanger,
ist geil darauf sich ihre Aroma-Füße lecken zu lassen
(ggf. in Verbindung mit Sex ohne) - im Moment meines Höhepunkts
erhält sie ein Dokument (von dem sie aber keinen Gebrauch
machen muss)?
0 Kommentare, 99 Angesehen,
0 Stimmen
Freunde-Swinger-Party-Treff! 14.8.2010
Ich suche zum Aufbau meiner, "Alle Freunde-Einladungs-Swinger-Party-Treff-Gruppe",
nette unternehmungslustige mit interessierte Menschen,
Paare, m./w.-Bi für ganz viel Spass!
0 Kommentare, 63 Angesehen,
17 Stimmen
,1.85 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Suche lockere w. erotische Beziehung! 28.7.2010
Ich suche weibliche und weibliche lockere Beziehung für
soft treffen, Erotik pur, berühren, massiren, sehen
und gesehen werden, sich wohl fühlen, sich spüren und
vielen mehr, auch als Gruppe vorstellbar! nichts abnormales,
0 Kommentare, 27 Angesehen,
12 Stimmen
,0.86 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Gummi 14.6.2010
Ich bin auf der Suche nach frauen die auch auf dieses Material
stehen. Wo finde ich Sie?
0 Kommentare, 83 Angesehen,
9 Stimmen
,2.36 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Suche Sklavin aus NRW! 8.1.2010
Suche devote Sklavin die sich für Ihre Verfehlungen zunächst
online abstrafen lässt.
Du wirst stück für stück an Deine Grenzen geführt um
anständig dienen zu können!
0 Kommentare, 125 Angesehen,
9 Stimmen
,1.50 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Schon was gefunden?? 6.8.2009
Da ich schon eine Weile hier bin und leider wenig Resonanz
bekam mal eine kurze Frage an die anderen Herren und Damen
hier: Wieviele von euch haben denn hier schon definitive "Dates"
zustande gebracht?
Ich war jetzt grade mal einige Monate nicht mehr hier, um
zu sehen, was sich verndert. Scheinbar nicht viel
Und es hat nicht wirklich etwas mit Standart-Memeber zu
tun. War ...
2 Kommentare, 74 Angesehen,
2 Stimmen
,2.42 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Herren gesucht. 14.3.2009
Obwohl ich eigentlich hetero bin schwirrt schon seit Jahren
eine Fantasie in meinem Kopf rum: Von einer Gruppe Männer
zu einer Sexsklavin gemacht und missbraucht werden. Ich swuche also auf diesem weg nach Männern, die interresse
hätten. Bevorzugt im Raum Köln
0 Kommentare, 208 Angesehen,
7 Stimmen
,2.28 Gesamtpunktzahl |
es wird Wunderschn sein !!! 9.3.2009
suche eine einfhlsame ganz normale Frau...schreib mir
bitte ein paar Zeilen wenn Du meinst Du bist es !!!
0 Kommentare, 45 Angesehen,
1 Stimmen
hallo 7.2.2009
Hallo Leute Ich bin ein 41 jähriger Hetero mit immer grösser werdender
bi neugier Gibt es ein Paar, M+W oder eventuell eine Transe
die einem Neuling zu ersten bi erfahrungen verhelfen kann?
Bitte keine einzelnen Männer!! würde mich über allfällige
mails sehr freuen! lg wetterboy
0 Kommentare, 55 Angesehen,
1 Stimmen
,2.40 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Phantasien + Ideen 21.1.2009
Gerne erwarte ich Ihre Nachrich, wenn Sie eine dominant
oder devot veranlagte Frau sind die wie ich ein sehr aktives
Kopfkino in schwung halten will. Was halten Sie von tabulosen
Phantasien- und Ideenaustausch ? Wenn Sie gerne chatten oder mailen, dann freut sich ein
Sub auf Ihre Reaktion
0 Kommentare, 43 Angesehen,
0 Stimmen
total lustorientiert, extrem stimuliebar, DU-ORIENTIERT 20.1.2009
alles durch neuroligische vernderung bedingt
bietet erotische beziehung der besonderen art;
niveau-/respekvoll... ehrlich ... sehr variationsreich
, ,, sicher... zuverlaessig ... langfristig bevorzugt
ich freue mich auf dich
0 Kommentare, 81 Angesehen,
5 Stimmen
,1.51 Gesamtpunktzahl |
sex im Wohnmobil 6.1.2009
hätte gerne Kontakt zu Frauen..Männer..Paare..TV.Ts.DWT..
auch für sm.. komm aus der Nähe von Dortmund
1 Kommentare, 168 Angesehen,
7 Stimmen
,1.51 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Ich Suche 3.10.2008
Ich suche eine devote frau aus dem raum bc rv sig du solltest zwischen 18 und 25 sein ich habe leider noch keine erfahrung aber das kann ja noch
0 Kommentare, 57 Angesehen,
2 Stimmen
fast hoffnungslos 14.7.2008
suche im umland von rosenheim Einzellpersonen oder Paare.Bin
vor einigen monaten nach Kufstein gezogen.Ich suche auch
Passende Treffpunkte. Hoffe auf allgemeine hilfe.
0 Kommentare, 66 Angesehen,
0 Stimmen
immer geil 4.7.2008
suche geilen jungen hengst der mich fickt oder jung fotze
zum lecken gerne farbige bin offen fr vieles
0 Kommentare, 123 Angesehen,
6 Stimmen
,0.23 Gesamtpunktzahl |
strap on 14.6.2008
Suche eine strenge strapon lady, die mich mal so richtig
rannimmt. Mein ploch ist noch klein und eng und braucht
eine strenge hand. Bin 24, 185, 83 gut gebaut und tageslichttauglich.
0 Kommentare, 32 Angesehen,
4 Stimmen
,4.80 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Nadel im Heuhaufen? 2.6.2008
Wir suchen schon seit geraumer Zeit ein Paar im Raum K/BN/D,
das bereit ist und Lust hat, sich auf und mit uns Fastanfängern
einzulassen. Was wir finden, sind Paare, die entweder viel zu hart oder
selbst uns zu soft drauf sind. Eigentlich sollte da draußen doch ein Paar existieren,
das, obwohl erfahren, die Geduld mit solchen wie uns aufbringt
oder, wenn auf unserem Level, den Weg zu "neuen ...
6 Kommentare, 196 Angesehen,
7 Stimmen
,3.80 Gesamtpunktzahl |
bin auf der suche nach dominanter sie ihn paar im kölner
raum bin 45j rasiert bi devot tabulos mobil belastbar also
an alle die sich angesprochen fühlen-bitte melden devote
grüße bisklave peter
0 Kommentare, 53 Angesehen,
3 Stimmen
,2.94 Gesamtpunktzahl |
24/7-Versklavung als Gummipuppe 20.2.2008
Absolut devotes Objekt (32) sucht die totale Versklavung
als Gummipuppe durch eine extreme Herrin oder durch ein
Herrscherpaar mit der entsprechenden Möglichkeit und
Inbesitznahme als 24/7-Gummiobjekt, Haltung als leibeigene
Gummipuppe mit allen Konsequenzen, Formung zum dauergummierten
Objekt, vollkommene Gefangennahme und strengste Abrichtung,
ggf. ...
0 Kommentare, 114 Angesehen,
7 Stimmen
,1.77 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Sub TV sucht dom Mann 23.10.2007
Suche dom Mann oder zwei, der/die mir einweisend beim parken meines VW Golf cabrios behilflich ist/sind. Zeige mich auch bestimmt erkenntlich.
5 Kommentare, 267 Angesehen,
13 Stimmen
,3.48 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Lasse mich gerne nackt fotografieren und auch filmen. 4.9.2007
Hallo. Suche Männer , gruppen oder Bi-Paare (mann und Frau)bis
45 J.die mich gerne nackt fotografieren oder filmen wollen.
Gerne auch beides. Habe keine nacktfotos mehr und bräuchte dringend neue
nacktfotos von mir. Wer kann mir helfen? Bitte nur ernstgemeinte zuschriften über MSN oder E-Mails.
1 Kommentare, 86 Angesehen,
1 Stimmen
,3.70 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Einfach sehr geil. 3.9.2007
Habe sehr gute erfahrungen mit farbigen Bi-Männern , Frauen
und Bi-Paare gemacht. Suche daher farbige Bi- Männern, Frauen und Bi-Paare
für gemeinsamen interessen. Von 18 J. - 60 J.können mich gerne anschreiben. Freue mich auf euch.
0 Kommentare, 60 Angesehen,
0 Stimmen
Haushaltshilfe und Mann fr alles werden besuchen 25.7.2007
Haushaltshilfe und Mann für alles werden besuchen
Hallo Alle, das hier besucht haben, Brauchen Sie etwas Hilfe um das Haus oder Wohnung? zu saubermachen
und Aufräumen, die Tellern und Besteck abspülen , den Fußboden
abwischend, reinigen das Bad, Staubsaugen die Teppiche,
reinigen die Fenster usw., sogar Sie eine Tasse Kaffee
machen während Sie sich auf der Couch mit Ihren Füßen ...
0 Kommentare, 69 Angesehen,
4 Stimmen
,0.92 Gesamtpunktzahl |
fesselnde Erotik 15.6.2007
Ich bin auf der Suche nach einer Frau mit der ich meine Bondage-Neigung
ausleben kann. Ich werde gerne gefesselt, genau so möchte ich aber auch
meine Partnerin in den Genuß kommen lassen. Leider habe ich bis heute niemanden gefunden der meine
Vorliebe teilt.
1 Kommentare, 53 Angesehen,
1 Stimmen
Devote Elle 8.5.2007
Wir, Paar um die 40ig, würden uns über die Antwort einer
willigen, adretten Frau bis 50ig freuen. Lust, Freude an der wohl schönsten Nebensache der Welt,
Offenheit und Kommunikationsbereitschaft sollen im
Vordergrund stehen. Bei gegenseitiger Sympathie sind
den Möglichkeiten kaum Grenzen gesetzt. Nun liegt es an Dir! Trau Dich, es ist einen Versuch wert.
Es grüsst Rubina2 + H.
2 Kommentare, 237 Angesehen,
1 Stimmen
,2.40 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Welche Sie befreit mich von der Langeweile 28.4.2007
SOS, suche Sie die mich aus der Langeweile rettet und mir
den Tag versüßt.. Die mir Türen des Neuen öffnet und mir
den Weg zeigt in eine Neue Welt... Melde Dich wenn du aus
dem Raum, OL, WHV kommst...
1 Kommentare, 73 Angesehen,
0 Stimmen
Sadisten, Perverse oder Meister gesucht 24.4.2007
Suche stndig obige Mnner, welche meine bisherigen Abrichtungen
auffrischen oder eine neue extreme Abrichtung vornehmen.
6 Kommentare, 606 Angesehen,
21 Stimmen
,5.97 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Zu wem passt der Zwilling am besten? 4.4.2007
Der Widder: Beständig..................♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Aufregend, schillernd, überraschend - das sind sie beide.
Der Zwilling hat die Ideen, der Widder führt sie durch.
Erfolg garantiert.
Der Stier: Fraglich ........................♥♥♥♥
Bleibt der Stier im Haus muss der Zwilling reisen. Er strebt
gerne neuen Ufern zu und das ...
2 Kommentare, 48 Angesehen,
3 Stimmen
,3.92 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Pic-Tausch 30.3.2007
Hallo zusammen,
leider ist es schwierig mit vielen in Kontakt zu treten,
da die Anzahl der Mails ja begrenzt ist. Geht es Euch auch
so, dass Ihr auch im Zwiespalt seit, ob der Gegenüber der/die
Richtige ist.
Manchmal helfen ja schon Pics, das man sich im klaren ist,
oh ja, die gefällt uns oder halt nicht.
Schreibt mal Eure Meinung dazu.
Viele Grüße
7 Kommentare, 322 Angesehen,
25 Stimmen
,6.67 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Suche weinliche Partnerin fr Kaviarspiele 3.2.2007
Hallo liebe Kaviarliebhaberinnen,
wenn ihr gerne einmal eure Neigung ausleben wollt und vielleicht
auch an einer längeren Beziehung interessiert seit, meldet
euch! Ich freue mich schon, euer innerstes aufnehmen zu
Viele Grüße
0 Kommentare, 200 Angesehen,
1 Stimmen
,5.00 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Suche Traumfrau 18.1.2007
Suche Traumfrau.
Nicht gebunden, treu, etwas devot, zeigefreudig,
nicht grösser als 170.
Du solltest gern auf einer Harley sitzen und auch nichts
gegen Urlaub mit der Harley haben.
Je nach dem auch etwas gewagt mit mir in den Ausgang gehen.
(sehr kurzer Mini zeigefreudiges Oberteil z.B.)
Mit mir Swingerclubs besuchen oder andere geile Partys.
Freude haben an ...
0 Kommentare, 174 Angesehen,
1 Stimmen
Sex Slave Germany, Sexualsklave Deutschland 7.11.2006
Hallo alle in Deutschland, ich möchte ein sein, so biete
ich mich als ein Sexualsklave Frauen, die meine Herrin
sein möchten oder ein Mann, der mein Master sein möchte.
es gibt nur einen Wunsch, den ich habe, und das ist, wenn
es einen Mann gibt, der mein Master dann sein möchte, muss
er eine Frau haben, die an allen Tätigkeiten teilnehmen
als ein Sexualsklave ...
0 Kommentare, 125 Angesehen,
1 Stimmen
,5.00 Gesamtpunktzahl |
ab und zu mal ficken !! 14.10.2006
hallo !!
ich suche eine geile frau gern reifer oder mollig für gelegentliche
trffen in wuppertal . auch ein paar wäre sehr angenehm .
0 Kommentare, 3306 Angesehen,
0 Stimmen
suche die Frau frs leben 26.8.2006
gibt es noch die Frau die an treue bis in den Tot festhält
? wenn ja dann melde dich bei mir vielleicht haben wir ja
auch auf sexueller ebene gemeinsamkeiten dann währst
du die perfekte Frau....
0 Kommentare, 162 Angesehen,
2 Stimmen
,2.42 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Dominanz 9.8.2006
Moin moin,
mich würde mal interessieren, warum es so schwer ist eine
Partnerin zu finden, die dominant ist.
Ich meine, aus den Profilen geht doch vieles hervor, warum
ist es dann so kompliziert.
Wünsche, Neigungen, Berufungen, Charakter.
Warum finde ich also so eine Frau hier nicht.
Kann das jemand beantworten?
Wenn möglich weiblich und dominant.
Oder suchen Frauen keine ...
0 Kommentare, 157 Angesehen,
2 Stimmen
,2.42 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Platz als Haussklave / Haussklavin zu vergeben 7.8.2006
Platz als Haussklave / Haussklavin zu vergeben
Sich bewerben kann nur wer folgende Kriterien erfüllt:
- sehr devoter Mann oder sehr devote Frau
- Bereitschaft in die Schweiz umzuziehen und bei uns zu
- 24/7 / Totale Kontrolle aller Lebensbereiche
- Bereitschaft langfristig zu dienen
- Angenehme Erscheinung
Bewerbungen werden nur von Männern/Frauen ...
2 Kommentare, 463 Angesehen,
28 Stimmen
,5.40 Gesamtpunktzahl |
einfach treiben lassen 30.7.2006
spiele, partys, einen partner der gerne teilt, auch dominante
zge hat und die stndige lust an geilheit teilt. gerne
bin iach gefesselt, ausgeliefert in einer kleinen netten
8 Kommentare, 771 Angesehen,
41 Stimmen
,7.24 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Erotisches Treffen am 05.08 gesucht................... 29.7.2006
Wer hat Lust und Zeit wie das auch immer aussehen mag, das
knnen wir ja noch besprechen.
0 Kommentare, 65 Angesehen,
1 Stimmen
wieso wird der artikel als gut bewertet aber niemand antwortet 24.7.2006
wieso antwortet niemand auf meinen artikel??
1 Kommentare, 359 Angesehen,
2 Stimmen
,1.73 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Bin auf der suche......... 16.7.2006
........nach einer Frau die gerne mit mir ihre Sexualität
ausleben möchte. Ich bin so ziemlich für alles offen. Ich
weiß das es schwehr ist für Männer jemanden zu finden der
gerne mal einfach so seine Sexualität ausleben möchte,
wie Sex an ungewöhnlichen Orten und dem Mann zu Dominieren
und das auch noch in der gegend von FFM / DA / MZ oder WI. Aber
dennoch versuche ich mein Glück ...
0 Kommentare, 190 Angesehen,
3 Stimmen
,1.47 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Hi ich bin auf der suche 27.6.2006
hi ich hatte noch keine möglichkeit erfahrungen mit bdsm
zu sammel und hoffe auf diesen weg melden sich dominante
damen aus bayern um mich zu erziehen und zu zeigen was man
alles machen kann! Schreibt fleißig
1 Kommentare, 99 Angesehen,
4 Stimmen
,2.47 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Suche dominanten (Leder)mann in Bayern 2.6.2006
Wer interessiert sich für eine sexy , sehr devote (oder
auch manchmal zickige) TV aus München? Bin interessiert
an Rapeplay und das gerne durch belederte Männer!
0 Kommentare, 102 Angesehen,
3 Stimmen
,3.43 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Kloesie, eine poetische Art zum Toilettensex zu stehen 12.5.2006
ich bin leidenschaftlicher Liebhaber von Kaviarschmierereien.
Ganz klar, dass ich auf der Suche nach einer Kaviarmaus
bin, die das mit mir teilt und auslebt. Besonders jetzt
im Frühlich paart sich dieser Wunsch mit der Fähigkeit,
Reime zu basteln. Hier sind einige davon. Viel Spaß beim
lesen und vielleich wecken die Zeilen ja ein paar Gedanken
oder gar Lust auf einen ...
2 Kommentare, 219 Angesehen,
6 Stimmen
,1.09 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Neuling sucht das Abenteuer 1.4.2006
Benutze mich wenn Du magst. Ich liebe geile erotische Fantasien,
die vielleicht, oder auch nicht, zur Wirklichkeit werden
könnten. Ich bin Neuling auf diesem Gebiet, aber der Gedanke
das Du mich gebrauchst macht mich total an. Solange es dabei
nicht um SM oder sonstige Schmerzen geht bin ich für alles
neue offen. Sag mir was ich für dich tun kann. Bei dem Gedanken
könnte ich mir jetzt ...
0 Kommentare, 155 Angesehen,
3 Stimmen
,1.96 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Der Umgang mit anderen ... 13.3.2006
Schon das es eine solche Kontaktseite gibt ! Leider glauben
einige Menschen das man sich hier auf eine nette , höfliche
Anfrage sofort mit einer beleidigenden Antwort zurückmelden
muss , insbesondere Martina3101 , der man einen schönen
Tag wünscht udn als Antwort " wars das Du Depp "
bekommt ! Seltsam nur , das ausgerechnet solche Leute ,
noch Wert auf Niveau legen ! Hier wird durch ...
2 Kommentare, 141 Angesehen,
9 Stimmen
,5.14 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Reine Phantasie hier NS zu finden... 10.1.2006
Also nachdem jetzt drei Monate vorbei sind, muß ich sagen,
schlecht!! Dachte eigentlich hier eine Frau zu finden
die NS ebenso liebt wie ich, meine EX tat es, aber hier sind
nur Hochnässige Damen, die sich für die "pure LUST"
zu schade sind!!!
Bin enttäuscht!! Und Ihr??
1 Kommentare, 192 Angesehen,
6 Stimmen
,0.80 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Die Lust auf Latex 1.11.2005
Wer sie kennt, der weiß was sie ihm bedeutet. Nur leider
kennen die, die sie kennen, nicht die, die sie auch kennen.
Es ist wie mit dem Töpfchen vom Trödelmarkt - finde da mal
den passenden Deckel.
In diesem Sinne - findet und werdet gefunden.
Liebe Grüße, Duttchen.
0 Kommentare, 162 Angesehen,
7 Stimmen
,2.28 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Christen auf Partnersuche - Christian Dating 21.9.2005
Hallo, mein Vorschlag wre, dass in dieser Rubrik Christen
- gerne auch aus dem Ausland - eine Nachricht hinterlassen,
wenn sie einen glubigen Ehepartner suchen, der an BDSM
Interesse hat. So knnten sich BDSM-interessierte Christen
leichter finden. -
Hi, I suggest, that christian men or women who are looking
for marriage and BDSM - equally in which country they are ...
1 Kommentare, 86 Angesehen,
3 Stimmen
,2.45 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Gibt es das? 25.8.2005
Eine Frau die klein handlich und pflegeleicht ist? Was
uich suche ist nicht ein ONS wobei ich dem nicht abgeneigt
bin, bis ich die Richtige für mich gefunden habe. Die Richtige
sollte nicht grösser sein wie ich, denn ich finde kleine
Frauen strahlen einfach mehr sex aus. Sie sollte auch exibitionistisch
veranlagt sein, denn ich liebe nichts mehr wie mit Kleidern
in den Ausgang zu gehen, ...
0 Kommentare, 106 Angesehen,
2 Stimmen
,1.73 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Suche Traumfrau 23.8.2005
Suche Traumfrau.
Nicht gebunden, treu, etwas devot, mollig, zeigefreudig,
nicht grösser als 170.
Du solltest gern auf einer Harley sitzen und auch nichts
gegen Urlaub mit der Harley haben.
Je nach dem auch etwas gewagt mit mir in den Ausgang gehen.
(sehr kurzer Mini zeigefreudiges Oberteil z.B.)
Mit mir Swingerclubs besuchen oder andere geile Partys.
Freude haben an geilen ...
0 Kommentare, 195 Angesehen,
2 Stimmen
,2.42 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Traunfrau im Raum Basel gesucht 23.8.2005
Ich suche Dich meine Traumfrau.
Nicht gebunden, treu, etwas devot, mollig, zeigefreudig,
nicht grösser als 170.
Du solltest gern auf einer Harley sitzen und auch nichts
gegen Urlaub mit der Harley haben.
Je nach dem auch etwas gewagt mit mir in den Ausgang gehen.
(sehr kurzer Mini zeigefreudiges Oberteil z.B.)
Mit mir Swingerclubs besuchen oder andere geile ...
0 Kommentare, 37 Angesehen,
0 Stimmen
Interesse an Fesselspielen? Die suche 14.8.2005
Gibt es Frauen die es lieben, sich mir gefesselt auszuliefern.
Die Genus daran haben, wenn sie gefesselt vernascht werden.
Die nicht eine 24/7 Beziehung suchen. Ich bin einfach jemand
der es liebt, SEX zu haben, wenn Sie dabei Komplet gefesselt
und wehrlos ist.
Bei mir knnen auch Standard-Mitglieder rein schauen
und mir antworten. Der verzweifelt suchende Knuddel
1 Kommentare, 291 Angesehen,
4 Stimmen
,2.86 Gesamtpunktzahl |
BDSM Erfahrung!!! 9.8.2005
Ich will endlich BDSM Erfahrung sammeln! Meldet euch bei
2 Kommentare, 199 Angesehen,
4 Stimmen
,0.92 Gesamtpunktzahl |
suche ltere 26.7.2005
hi, suche hier ltere frauen fr abenteuer!?
meldet euch bei mir.
0 Kommentare, 178 Angesehen,
1 Stimmen
,2.40 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Die Stecknadel im Heuhaufen 12.7.2005
Hallo liebe Mitglieder,
Zuerst möchte ich sagen, daß ich es begrüße, eine Plattform,
wie diese, nutzen zu können.
Viel zu lange sind Partner und Ehepartner um den heißen
Brei herum geschlichen, ohne je davon gegessen zu haben.
Es ist sicher auch eine tolle Spielwiese für diejenigen,
die zunächst mal ihre Vorstellungen jenseits des Blümchensex
artikulieren wollen. ...
0 Kommentare, 122 Angesehen,
9 Stimmen
,3.64 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Fundsachen: Ehrlichkeit 5.7.2005
Ein Geschäftsmann sendet ein Fax an seine Frau:
„An meine liebe Ehefrau:
Du verstehst sicherlich, dass ich gewisse Bedürfnisse
habe, die Du – nun da Du 54 Jahre alt bist – nicht mehr befriedigen
Ich bin sehr glücklich mit Dir und schätze Dich als eine
gute Ehefrau. Deshalb hoffe ich, dass Du es nicht falsch
verstehen wirst, wenn Du nach diesem Fax ...
0 Kommentare, 353 Angesehen,
18 Stimmen
,6.54 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Sicherheit und Suche 27.4.2005
Was ist los – hab’ ich hier was missverstanden?
Erst seit kurzem gestehe ich mir ein, „Sub“-Neigungen
zu haben. Nachdem ich durch einen recht persönlichen Entwicklungsprozeß
durch bin, verstärkte sich in mir diese Überzeugung immer
mehr. Also trat ich hier dieser dieser Webseite bei (wenn
man das so sagen kann) und suchte/ suche nach einem Mann,
der mich in meiner ...
13 Kommentare, 1544 Angesehen,
95 Stimmen
,7.97 Gesamtpunktzahl |
aller Anfang ist schwer 10.1.2005
Hi Leute
ja ich weiss bin sicher nicht der erste und sicher auch nicht
der letzte der so denkt , aber als 43 jähriger und totaler
Anfänger in der Szene ist es nicht ganz leicht Kontakte
zu bekommen, villeicht hat mir ja jemand Tips wie und was
ich tun soll damit ich als Anfänger Einlass in die Szene
finde ?? bin für jeden hinweis dankbar gruss Hans
3 Kommentare, 467 Angesehen,
32 Stimmen
,1.36 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Re: Relationship with someone much younger. 23.6.2004
I've some experiences with someone 8 years younger
(she is 22, i'am 30). most times, its an intensive relationship
full of love. but sometimes - thats my opinion - i feel, like
i would be at another place in life. there are other things
important for me, i'm more sure about future (of love),
i more often analyze the relationsship. and often she doesn't
take part with this type of ...
0 Kommentare, 60 Angesehen,
7 Stimmen
,2.79 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Suche eine Frau in der Region Zrich CH 24.3.2004
Hallo liebe Frauen,
ich bin neu in diesem Metier. Habe einigen Sessionen zuschauen
Daher reitzt mich BDSM.
Ich möchte nun erfahren auf welche Seite ich mich stellen
soll. Darum suche ich eine Frau , die mit mir beides ausprobieren
möchte, als SUB oder DOM. Ich finde Leder und Lack sehr geil.Auch
Gummi würde mich mal interressieren.
Also habt Mut und schreibt mir doch mal . ...
0 Kommentare, 48 Angesehen,
10 Stimmen
,1.99 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Freundeskreis 15.1.2004
Hallo Mädels, Frauen, Girls und Ladys
Eine Einladung in den Freundeskreis ist ist für Standart
Mitglieder (sprich Männer) die einzig Chance Euch näher
zu kommen und zu kontaktieren. Verschenkt Eure Freundschaften
großzügig Euch kostet es nichts, doch vielleicht stellt
sich ein auf den ersten Blick nicht so interessanter Mann
später als eurer Traummann heraus. Die ...
1 Kommentare, 190 Angesehen,
44 Stimmen
,8.80 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Seeking 18.11.2024
Please advice on what to do ! can i really get a new sub on ALT
0 Kommentare, 3 Angesehen,
2 Stimmen
,0.34 Gesamtpunktzahl |
searching for someone special. 31.3.2024
Doesn't ALT have something like a "personals"
page so that people can go to a specific place to find potential
partners? Just need to know if theres something more efficient
that looking profile to profile
0 Kommentare, 66 Angesehen,
48 Stimmen
True test 30.1.2024
I get a lot of messages. subs declaring undying love, devotion. Quite often wild and unachievable offers. However, the true test is when they don’t get the response
they wanted. Many become abusive. Which just reaffirms my initial instinct was correct.
When a sub accepts the message they didn’t want to hear,
and remains polite and courteous. I feel a fondness towards them. M x
0 Kommentare, 58 Angesehen,
42 Stimmen
,0.16 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Alt Flowers 27.1.2024
I like submissive men. I like the power I have over a genuine
sub. I like subs to attach flowers when the message me. The flowers generate points so I can upgrade to Gold without
having to pay. I’m upfront about this. It’s amazing how many guys then think I’m a scammer.
I’m not a Pro Domme, but I like to be spoiled. Where are all the old fashioned subs who understand the
privilege of ...
1 Kommentare, 45 Angesehen,
36 Stimmen
,0.04 Gesamtpunktzahl |
does this site allow posts for real meets dates 3.12.2023
I want/need a date with a female to go to the theatre to see
the chinese show shen yun. in january london am sure if it
did it would bring more members in, call it real dates personal
meets, am sure some one on alt could it set up, I can, t be
the only one, who would like to find a real mate or wife, girl
friend, am going to try a post on my blog,
3 Kommentare, 70 Angesehen,
37 Stimmen
,0.02 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Meh 10.10.2023
When did the messenger stop letting new members message
people using points?
0 Kommentare, 89 Angesehen,
84 Stimmen
Not a date but, 17.9.2023
I saw this article and had to post something aboutone
dating experience, I will keep it brief. Some years ago,
while enjoying a Jack an Coke at a favorite bar/club I went
to. I was at the bar chatting with a buddy who was bartending
that night when a petite blonde cam to bar to get a drink,
right next to me. <br><br>
Surprisingly she started conversation first, "
Hi ...
0 Kommentare, 53 Angesehen,
24 Stimmen
,0.29 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Exploring 25.8.2023
Do you want to explore in person or online?
8 Kommentare, 142 Angesehen,
38 Stimmen
,0.66 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Bondage play 10.8.2023
A photographer contacted me and wanted to take some private
pictures, he was into leather, PVC, Boots and Bondage.
He had seen my profile and pictures so he sent me a request
to meet.
0 Kommentare, 72 Angesehen,
48 Stimmen
Any romance from here? 17.7.2023
Have any people actually met -- had sex -- and then carried
on a relationship from this site? Or is this merely a hookup
2 Kommentare, 63 Angesehen,
46 Stimmen
tips 16.7.2023
what are good dating tips?
1 Kommentare, 51 Angesehen,
45 Stimmen
Not dating 7.7.2023
This site not dating just dated and not used!
1 Kommentare, 54 Angesehen,
40 Stimmen
Looking to get fucked 13.5.2023
Looking to hook up
0 Kommentare, 48 Angesehen,
19 Stimmen
dirty 27.4.2023
i like to find a mature dirty lady that thinks out of the box
and like to get wild and kinky and is looking for what is new.
2 Kommentare, 37 Angesehen,
28 Stimmen
Awkward date story 29.11.2022
About 15 years ago I was talking to someone here. We had great
chemistry online and a lot in common. We decided to finally
meet in person at a restaurant. When she got there she didn't
say a word the entire time. When we left she immediately
texted me and apologized. She said she was too intimidated
to talk
2 Kommentare, 129 Angesehen,
93 Stimmen
dating 13.7.2022
Anyone have any good date stories they would love to share?
0 Kommentare, 309 Angesehen,
282 Stimmen
Attractions 4.5.2022
Curious what makes you drawn to someone else. There are
people into daddy types. Others like chubby types. Other
into much younger people or skinny even their personalities.
There are many other thing that make one attracted to someone
else. Tell us why you are drawn to another person.
2 Kommentare, 159 Angesehen,
145 Stimmen
,0.06 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Phantom Hand 7.11.2021
The first time a man wrapped his hand around my throat during
sex I had two immediate reactions. <br><br>
First, I stifled a giggle. It was a combination of a defense
mechanism and shock because this man did not seem like the
type to do that. We had not discussed it prior to the act and
to be honest, I did not view him as someone who could dominate
me, much less someone to whom I ...
7 Kommentare, 204 Angesehen,
126 Stimmen
,0.50 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Eye catching 31.8.2021
What of picture catches your eye in someone's
profile? What features stand out to you?
6 Kommentare, 701 Angesehen,
633 Stimmen
Eye catching 31.8.2021
What of picture catches your eye in someone's
profile? What features stand out to you?
0 Kommentare, 545 Angesehen,
509 Stimmen
Eye catching 31.8.2021
What of picture catches your eye in someone's
profile? What features stand out to you?
2 Kommentare, 472 Angesehen,
430 Stimmen
Eye catching 31.8.2021
What of picture catches your eye in someone's
profile? What features stand out to you?
0 Kommentare, 398 Angesehen,
372 Stimmen
Eye catching 31.8.2021
What of picture catches your eye in someone's
profile? What features stand out to you?
1 Kommentare, 396 Angesehen,
357 Stimmen
Eye catching 31.8.2021
What of picture catches your eye in someone's
profile? What features stand out to you?
3 Kommentare, 435 Angesehen,
383 Stimmen
Eye catching 31.8.2021
What of picture catches your eye in someone's
profile? What features stand out to you?
0 Kommentare, 378 Angesehen,
330 Stimmen
Eye catching 31.8.2021
What of picture catches your eye in someone's
profile? What features stand out to you?
0 Kommentare, 270 Angesehen,
251 Stimmen
Eye catching 31.8.2021
What of picture catches your eye in someone's
profile? What features stand out to you?
0 Kommentare, 175 Angesehen,
160 Stimmen
Eye catching 31.8.2021
What of picture catches your eye in someone's
profile? What features stand out to you?
1 Kommentare, 172 Angesehen,
157 Stimmen
Eye catching 31.8.2021
What of picture catches your eye in someone's
profile? What features stand out to you?
0 Kommentare, 106 Angesehen,
97 Stimmen
Eye catching 31.8.2021
What of picture catches your eye in someone's
profile? What features stand out to you?
0 Kommentare, 50 Angesehen,
47 Stimmen
Eye catching 31.8.2021
What of picture catches your eye in someone's
profile? What features stand out to you?
0 Kommentare, 11 Angesehen,
9 Stimmen
,1.29 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Eye catching 31.8.2021
What of picture catches your eye in someone's
profile? What features stand out to you?
0 Kommentare, 10 Angesehen,
9 Stimmen
,0.86 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Fuck meat 7.7.2021
sexy little busty slave for daddys fuck meat and house maid
3 Kommentare, 67 Angesehen,
11 Stimmen
,4.29 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Isn't It Odd That Nothing's Changed? 11.5.2021
The meat market cruisers still gonna cruise. The one-night
standers still not gonna commit. The Lonely Hearts Club
desperates still gonna mope and whine they can't find
love. WTF? <br><br>
Just because you're into kink (or not) do you think
real on-going relationships are impossible for you? Are
you willing to invest a little bit of real you for some long-time
loving? Are ...
0 Kommentare, 62 Angesehen,
40 Stimmen
DATING and HORNY 5.4.2021
who would love skip all the dating an get right to the fucking?!
3 Kommentare, 18 Angesehen,
11 Stimmen
,1.86 Gesamtpunktzahl |
horny and looking 10.2.2021
its hard date when ur horny and trying good on the first
date lol
1 Kommentare, 13 Angesehen,
9 Stimmen
,1.72 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Dating 9.10.2020
Any have some good dating stories that led to a good night?
1 Kommentare, 38 Angesehen,
35 Stimmen
Dating when always horny is hard. 11.7.2020
For someone like myself who always needs it, is hard to just
date without fooling around right away. Do any of you deal
with the same thing?
0 Kommentare, 28 Angesehen,
18 Stimmen
,1.76 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Its hard dating now 2.7.2020
Tough times with this virus, what u guys doing in meanwhle?
0 Kommentare, 14 Angesehen,
8 Stimmen
,0.93 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Why Are There More Subs Than Doms? 27.4.2020
In traditional “vanilla” dating scene women far outnumber
men but in the world of D/s the opposite phenomenon seems
to exist. Even when comparing pretend Doms to actual Dominant/Alpha
males the disparity persists. At the same time, there appears
to be an increase in Fem Dommes. So why is that so one may wonder?
The answer lies in the same explanation as to why women,
in ...
0 Kommentare, 16 Angesehen,
3 Stimmen
,2.45 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Her Sisters suprise 25.3.2020
So back when I had just turned 30 my company moved me to the
office in the big city. I was fine with that my GF and I had
just broken up and I hatted my apartment so off I went. I was
there a couple of months had not really met anyone yet outside
of work so I went to the local bar for a drink one night. That
is where I met Steph a petite EuroAsian very attractive
and friendly. We sat in a ...
3 Kommentare, 123 Angesehen,
37 Stimmen
,0.70 Gesamtpunktzahl |
How do I get a date 8.11.2019
So my question is how do I get a date and build a relationship
with a tranny
2 Kommentare, 74 Angesehen,
56 Stimmen
My first 2.11.2019
Seeking man for my first bbc
0 Kommentare, 11 Angesehen,
1 Stimmen
,1.10 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Fuck & Full Night Enjoy 31.10.2019
Need to change it up I’m getting tired of the same bullshit routine with my
husband every day. The , the responsibilities, cooking and everything else. I need it to just go away for
a few hours. Anyone want to fuck my brains out and me here? Totally no commitment! Contact me now:http://alt
5 Kommentare, 53 Angesehen,
13 Stimmen
,3.48 Gesamtpunktzahl |
finding a real girl 26.9.2019
looking for a real girl for a live in situation..
10 Kommentare, 42 Angesehen,
19 Stimmen
,2.33 Gesamtpunktzahl |
looking to meet 21.7.2019
when getting to meet someone in the internet its always
good to get to know. what there interest is and what they
looking for sex fun or friendship. always always have the
date set up have everything plan out for the date, dont expect
for her to pay for anything you ask her out you pay. and always
make eyes contact with them thats what is very importand
for a woman to get to know you by eye ...
0 Kommentare, 4 Angesehen,
3 Stimmen
,1.47 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Dating while being real horny and want to dominate the fuck
out of her!
7 Kommentare, 65 Angesehen,
41 Stimmen
,3.47 Gesamtpunktzahl |
i am sexy girl looking for a men 16.4.2019
Hi...iam a sexy girl
1 Kommentare, 20 Angesehen,
2 Stimmen
,3.81 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Advice for serving a mistress 4.11.2018
What advice would you give to a sub that wants a mistress?
What is the best way to have fun with it? What can I do to please
her? Are there many mistresses out there that aren't
into financial domination?
13 Kommentare, 105 Angesehen,
46 Stimmen
,3.88 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Dating guide 20.8.2018
Your Ideal Date description is where you can describe what
your idea of a good time is. Would you want to go to a bar or
concert or meet up in a park and go for a hike? Try thinking
about the things you like to do for fun and if it’s something
you’d want to share with someone special.
3 Kommentare, 41 Angesehen,
25 Stimmen
,3.35 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Interracial dating, and the fun within. 12.4.2018
I've traveled the world looking for kinks that I like,
and mostly all of them come from interracial relationships.
I've even had a sex date that was interracial. All I
had to do is show up, drop trousers, get sucked, get pulled
into a tight pussy, and get squirted on. Where would I find
something like this close to home? Some of the women outside
of my race are curious about the size, but ...
3 Kommentare, 49 Angesehen,
10 Stimmen
,2.59 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Found something wicked hot! 20.3.2018
I Never thought I would find such a great positive match
as I have. Talk about the odds of finding a compatible switch
with a similar sex drive within a acceptable amount of distance
who actually shows up to meet and you get along with wow I
feel truly blessed. Most of what I have found is subs claiming
to be Doms, vanillas pretending to be whatever just for
a hook up or scam artists trying to ...
9 Kommentare, 82 Angesehen,
21 Stimmen
,5.60 Gesamtpunktzahl |
hello 3.2.2018
1 Kommentare, 30 Angesehen,
12 Stimmen
,1.03 Gesamtpunktzahl |
looking 31.1.2018
i am looking for someone that is willing to explore and try
new taboos willing to do anything and become a slave. i keep
searching and every woman is different some its there favorite
kink some is just a fantacy some want to explore. i am looking
for someone that is willing to try and do kinky nasty dirty
thing to try and keep doing it;
2 Kommentare, 23 Angesehen,
10 Stimmen
,2.99 Gesamtpunktzahl |
is there any love 18.4.2017
truly master and slave should be one thing of trust, love
and care but i do not think that is what we are seeing here,
most of the men here are just here for fun and only games ,
is it that they have been hurt? well who knows, we still keep the search on to find the real
10 Kommentare, 103 Angesehen,
25 Stimmen
,4.24 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Do Real Daddy Doms Really still here looking for long term. 6.4.2016
I have been on here many years I mean I am not one for games
or just sex as BDSM is based on love and trust. I no everyone
does things different but respect is one and manners I am
just not in to the one night stands may be for others but Us
that are looking for long term they need to fix the filter.
Alt us to be Different years ago.
19 Kommentare, 297 Angesehen,
56 Stimmen
,6.93 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Places To Meet, Cafe's, Pubs, Clubs, Dungeon's, etc. 20.12.2015
Hi there, I was just thinking that it would be nice to have
a select directory of places where people can meet and practice
their preferred activities together, either discreetly
or not. So if you know of anyone willing to rent their playroom,
dungeon, garage, garden shed, doggy kennel, stable or
whatever, then get them to post it here, for everyone to
Post also businesses with ...
0 Kommentare, 76 Angesehen,
10 Stimmen
,3.78 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Wearing A White Undershirt On A Dinner Date 4.11.2015
I ate at Applebee's tonight. Applebee's is not
an expensive restaurant with a dress code.. But they are
not a fast food restaurant. Applebee's is a nice place
to take an opposite sex partner for a first date. or many
I ate at the bar. like I always do. I saw a couple also drinking
and eating at the bar. The woman was dressed well., but the man was wearing a white
undershirt. the ...
4 Kommentare, 145 Angesehen,
6 Stimmen
,3.65 Gesamtpunktzahl |
kirstygee 31.10.2015
24 36'd's 12 dress average size girls only
2 Kommentare, 130 Angesehen,
12 Stimmen
,4.74 Gesamtpunktzahl |
let's hook up 24.11.2014
im sorny right now
3 Kommentare, 238 Angesehen,
20 Stimmen
,5.42 Gesamtpunktzahl |
A MONTH!!! http://alt.com
0 Kommentare, 46 Angesehen,
6 Stimmen
,1.37 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Long Term 6.8.2014
Just curious if many people find long term lasting associations
on here, or if it's mostly flings?
1 Kommentare, 55 Angesehen,
6 Stimmen
,3.37 Gesamtpunktzahl |
0 Kommentare, 75 Angesehen,
6 Stimmen
,2.80 Gesamtpunktzahl |
1 Kommentare, 77 Angesehen,
5 Stimmen
,4.12 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Catfishing? 17.1.2013
So, with the Manti Te'o thing all over the news (must
be a slow news week), the term Catfishing has come to the
forefront of American vernacular for the moment. I've
met (or really, haven't) several "Catfish"
on ALT.
How do you react to these poseurs?
0 Kommentare, 44 Angesehen,
1 Stimmen
,2.40 Gesamtpunktzahl |
miss u so much 19.5.2012
life, life, life.ooh i feel like am no where, full of remembrance
and dreams.Baby where are you? ooh baby i miss you alot.
Every day an night i always think about the treat me, the
way you suck my penis, the way i put my penis in your Virgina,
miss that all now May i see you again or some one who can treat
me more than she doesbhead;
0 Kommentare, 16 Angesehen,
2 Stimmen
,3.12 Gesamtpunktzahl |
my new Group Stepford Women/1950s lifestyle any one can join. 9.5.2012
please join and enjoy.
2 Kommentare, 134 Angesehen,
17 Stimmen
,4.68 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Seaside Romance 25.10.2011
So this Navy Seal goes to this Whore House in Dan Diego California
and get a date with Sunshine. She looks at him in this uniform
and asks him what does he want in the mouth in pussy or in the
ass, he shakes his head and takes to wet suits out of a bag
and says get in his and make he hard and cum.
0 Kommentare, 36 Angesehen,
2 Stimmen
,3.12 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Pretty Boy 6.10.2011
The Beverly Hill Out-Call Dataton received a call from
Bill Gillespie f0r an To Knights of Malta Annual
Men’s Chief Meeting Convention. He needed a handsome
to attend the Secret meeting of California’s
highest decorated Police Chiefs at the Beverly Hill Hotel.
Gay was thirteen, ID-ed for eighteen, but still looked
like he was twelve with a clear complexion; incent baby
famine face, golden ...
0 Kommentare, 33 Angesehen,
2 Stimmen
,5.20 Gesamtpunktzahl |
What Police do while dating 9.6.2011
The Police Academy Picnic was to be held on Fire Island N.Y.
N.Y In the Red hot August summer sun, the Aqua waves of the
afternoon tide rolled the Silver spray of the salt sea in,
as the blenders churned lime Green sherbet and vodka Dacs’
into ice slushy’ as men in Blue stripped to their Black
brief swim trunks, stark naked Policewomen adjusted the
old Yellow VCR Camcorder down upon ...
0 Kommentare, 46 Angesehen,
2 Stimmen
,3.81 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Hot Night 5.5.2011
Tony the Marlow, had to fix up Senator Arrowbrim, with Black
Bertha, he couldn’t stall him anymore. Black Berther loved his request, however wired it was figuring
whitey like that all had to get their little white candles
fixed. So that afternoon before leaving she ate fifteen and half,
bean burritos. That night Senator Arrowbrim came eight
times, as 300 hundred pound Bertha sat on his face and ...
1 Kommentare, 23 Angesehen,
3 Stimmen
,1.47 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Zelda 5.2.2011
Twinkle Toes Officer, what’s my name, I don’t even remember my name,
was I good? Honey you were great, you’ll be all right, all you have
to do is remember your name is Twinkle Toes! That’s all
you have to remember your name is Twinkle Toes! Can I have another drink with you? Sure, no problem. Will you call me tomorrow? Maybe. Maybe, when will I see you again? When I have some time, there ...
0 Kommentare, 9 Angesehen,
1 Stimmen
,5.00 Gesamtpunktzahl |
want to meet someone fun 14.11.2010
hi hope this is cool heres call Donny
0 Kommentare, 5 Angesehen,
0 Stimmen
Am I bi 20.8.2010
Have so many urges to spend time naked with a t/s ladyboy/shemale
to play with. Never had a cock before, what is happening
to me am I turning bi or what.
4 Kommentare, 164 Angesehen,
8 Stimmen
,2.32 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Trying to fulfil a fantasy 20.7.2010
Though Im generally Im gay and play with guys, have a fantasy
which id love to fulfil which may seem a bit weird, but not
sure the best place to seek someone to help me with it. I have
a straight male friend 21 who shares my playroom facilities
when he has a suitable female to play with. Hes switch and
my fantasy is to have a domme female to tie him n use him while
im tied n made to watch not ...
0 Kommentare, 112 Angesehen,
4 Stimmen
,2.47 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Dating elder or married woman... 23.3.2010
Since 4 years i have been meeting younger girls for having
fun and was enjoying too... recently i have met a married
woman who is almost 5 years elder to me but very pretty and
well maintained. I never got to try any elder woman till
I met her. Since she was married for more than 5 years n met
lots of guys, was sooooo experienced and wonderful in bed
that i never enjoyed so much with younger ...
1 Kommentare, 226 Angesehen,
13 Stimmen
,2.98 Gesamtpunktzahl |
need misstress 13.3.2010
hi any one give me advise on getting in contact with a misstress
that will totaly dominate me and use me like a sex toy
1 Kommentare, 95 Angesehen,
9 Stimmen
,2.14 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Something about women's assholes... 25.10.2009
There's just something that I love about eating a woman's
asshole...the taste, the texture, just knowing that my
tongue is deep in her ass...
But it's so hard to convince a new girl to try it. Why
is that?
If anyone has any tips...please help me out.
4 Kommentare, 162 Angesehen,
15 Stimmen
,2.37 Gesamtpunktzahl |
The Key Rules of Dating 5.10.2009
No one ever said dating was easy. First dates are awkward,
second dates are expectant and the dates that follow that
-- during which two people really start getting down to
the business of getting to know each other -- present hundreds,
if not thousands, of opportunities for missteps, faux
pas, blunders and mistakes. That is to say nothing of the
myriad chances for problems to which you could ...
2 Kommentare, 73 Angesehen,
5 Stimmen
,5.10 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Dating and Relationships: A Question of Compromise 5.10.2009
Compromise is undoubtedly the key to many problems we face.
We are so set in our ways that only our way will do. And so arises
the great problem in dating and relationships. If only
we could compromise, then we would be better placed to find
common ground and work things out. I often hear people saying
that they will never compromise on who they would choose
to date, what their standards are, ...
0 Kommentare, 13 Angesehen,
0 Stimmen
Dating Essentials: Making Eye Contact 5.10.2009
Here is a fact, people don't make eye contact. They
should and they do look at each other, but they look away
when the other person looks back. Look at the commuters
on a subway platform or in a subway carriage. They look at
anything except each other. They use devices such as ads
and books and papers so that they don't look at each
other. Why? Because when we look at each other and make eye ...
0 Kommentare, 19 Angesehen,
1 Stimmen
,5.00 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Single Parents and Dating 5.10.2009
This is a complex subject and I can't do it justice here
but I offer some thoughts. Dating single parents should
not be the problem it is and things are starting to move in
the right direction at last. Being a single mother or father
has never been easy when looking for a new partner. You are
seen to be carrying a lot of baggage that a single person
doesn't really have to take onboard if there ...
0 Kommentare, 18 Angesehen,
1 Stimmen
,2.40 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Dating as a Challenge 5.10.2009
For some people, dating is a challenge. It is a conquest,
a crusade and a sport. As you are neither a competitor or
a prize, don't allow yourself to be come a victim to
such players. Dating is an affair of the heart and should
be treated as such. It is fun to date but it is also serious
business. However, when we date, it is true that we do like
a challenge, we like to get the guy, we like to get ...
0 Kommentare, 10 Angesehen,
0 Stimmen
will Would u like to have sex at your first date/meet? especially for girls.. 20.6.2009
I have dated many girls through online and other ways and
most of the times had sex in first meet.. though many girls
don't support this... i really love having sex at first
date/meet if the girl is enough good looking... But i prefer
to get oral first, for eg. going to a movie n doing some oral
stuff like pressing boobs, fingering pussy, getting a
handjob etc etc.. is really fun.. what all you ...
1 Kommentare, 86 Angesehen,
4 Stimmen
,0.92 Gesamtpunktzahl |
0 Kommentare, 32 Angesehen,
2 Stimmen
,1.73 Gesamtpunktzahl |
New game, new rules... can you guys help? 8.3.2009
I am new in this lifestyle, and I recently started seeing
a Dom who lives in a town not too far from me. We met up for a
drink a month or so ago, having been talking since before
christmas, and got on like a house on fire. I love spending
time with him, he's excellent company and very mature
in his manner, fun and intelligent and honest, and he's
also beautiful, which is nice.
We seem to ...
5 Kommentare, 518 Angesehen,
24 Stimmen
,4.72 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Anyone else hate mixed messages? 11.1.2009
I met Karen just a few months after my divorce, about 2 1/2
years ago. She was the first woman I had a date with after
the divorce, hell, the first woman I had been out with other
than my wife, in 14 years.
I met her on another dating site, and we agreed to go out to
lunch. When she walked into the restaurant, I was dumbstruck.
Damn, she was gorgeous, 5'4", size 6, dark hair,
and blue ...
4 Kommentare, 223 Angesehen,
8 Stimmen
,4.87 Gesamtpunktzahl |
any submissive female in cairo? 1.11.2008
I am wondering if there is any female who is intrested to
explore bdsm which i consider the dark side of any lady which
is insde her but she did not discover yet . several females
thinking that being submissive is something not healthy
cause her master would be sadist . i wanna say that there
r several ways and style in bdsm.
1 Kommentare, 109 Angesehen,
5 Stimmen
,0.86 Gesamtpunktzahl |
10 Signs that you might get lucky! 9.4.2008
For many men, one of the most complicated things in the dating
game is recognizing if a woman is interested. It is very
easy to misinterpret a mere act of kindness as being sexually
interested. Making out whether or not she is interested
in getting to know you, or if you are close to “getting lucky”
that evening can be confusing.
How can you tell when an intimate conversation with ...
0 Kommentare, 165 Angesehen,
10 Stimmen
,4.58 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Hey Ladies 27.1.2008
I never do it before.But all of us must try all, what can do
us a plesure.I WANT TO TRY ALL......
0 Kommentare, 37 Angesehen,
0 Stimmen
any dominant Ladys in europe 14.1.2008
iwould like to speak with a dominant Lady who is ready to
take her time to speak with me, while i cant find any dominant
women near me i seek in all europe
0 Kommentare, 32 Angesehen,
1 Stimmen
Dating in the age of the internet. 11.1.2008
I often find it funny that in today's day and age of the
internet, how the social dynamic of meeting has changed
dramatically and the differences just a few years can make.
Gone are the days of going out to gathering places hoping
to find someone that just might be there as well. In today's
age of e-mail, cell phones, text messaging and social pages
people have completely flipped the biology of ...
0 Kommentare, 39 Angesehen,
1 Stimmen
,3.70 Gesamtpunktzahl |
switch 26.10.2007
steve and sam were watching tv late into the night sam put
her head on to steves shoulders and spoke, we have an office
party coming up and i wonderd if you wanted to go, its fancy
dress and the theme is switch you no i dress as you and you
dress as me it could be fun, steve didnt here sam as he was
ingrossed in watching the football highlights on tv, okay
he said without thinking, the next ...
0 Kommentare, 164 Angesehen,
5 Stimmen
,1.84 Gesamtpunktzahl |
burlington vt tgirls 9.8.2007
i was looking for advice to start dating a tgirl or better
yet i hope to meet on in vt.
2 Kommentare, 282 Angesehen,
10 Stimmen
,2.59 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Response to the money, sex, and sub issue 8.7.2007
I found your article very interesting but what I found more
interesting is your claims of knowledge about women/females
and the bottom/sub mind. You clearly only understand only
two sub types ;”the players” or “prostitute minded”. This
is evidenced by your list of "non-desirables."
# Psychotic # Drug Addicts # Insecure # Abused as children - do you know how to handle this? # ...
4 Kommentare, 201 Angesehen,
8 Stimmen
,5.80 Gesamtpunktzahl |
looking for a kinky girl in nottingham 17.5.2007
i am looking for a kinky girl in nottingham and if you are
up for some fun and up for new things th
0 Kommentare, 19 Angesehen,
2 Stimmen
Fantasy: Initiation 23.3.2007
My mistress had arranged a small get together with some
of her friends, two males and a female, to assist with her
initiation of me into the household. She left early to meet
her friends and I was instructed in her absence to place
a bottle of wine and four glasses out on the coffee table
and then stand facing the wall, in ...
0 Kommentare, 337 Angesehen,
8 Stimmen
,3.01 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Fantasy: Initiation 23.3.2007
My mistress had arranged a small get together with some
of her friends, two males and a female, to assist with her
initiation of me into the household. She left early to meet
her friends and I was instructed in her absence to place
a bottle of wine and four glasses out on the coffee table
and then stand facing the wall, in just my boxer shorts with
my ...
0 Kommentare, 101 Angesehen,
2 Stimmen
,1.73 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Bad date, to try a second or not to try? 3.3.2007
I was recently on a date that I felt went fine. However, it
has come to my conclusion that it did not go as well as I had
thought, at least not from the other end. This is based upon
the fact that he never called back and never replied to my
calls...which did not occur until after 1 week from the
first date. Not to know if I had done something wrong so that
I may understand and learn from it is ...
4 Kommentare, 334 Angesehen,
13 Stimmen
,2.98 Gesamtpunktzahl |
I don't understand... 27.1.2007
I'm a newbie submissive, stepping out on the road to
learning about becoming a good sub for a potential dom.
A long time ago I meet a fantastic dom, who I liked very much
and felt liked me. Everything was going really well, and
we talked about meeting up. I cannot stress how much I wanted
him, and to meet him. Yet at the same time I was going through
an extremely ...
2 Kommentare, 303 Angesehen,
11 Stimmen
,4.85 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Fantasy: A Good Milking 14.12.2006
A fantasy of mine:
I would be blindfolded and lead into a room. Safely guided
away from walls and other such furniture, i would be forced
to lie on my back.
The ground littered with soft cushions or pillows, that
would mold my form and prevent me feeling the harshness
of the floor beneath.
Still in darkness, still on back, once the cushions have ...
2 Kommentare, 355 Angesehen,
9 Stimmen
,5.14 Gesamtpunktzahl |
The "Love Connection" of the '90's 9.12.2006
Gather your rosebuds out there, in the real world while
you may, because tomorrow they will be dying!
It's so easy to think about, and indeed wish for Love!
We will all admit that it is a wonderful and necessary thing,
yet who here agrees on just what it is. Not I, so I'm going
to concentrate on the easy question.
I never did like the concept of computer dating or ...
1 Kommentare, 233 Angesehen,
3 Stimmen
,1.47 Gesamtpunktzahl |
How do you get a first date 28.10.2006
I must be doing something wrong! I have had a lot of offers
but when it comes down to the meeting they never show up.
Could it be that I insist on my home as the first meeting place.
8 Kommentare, 1374 Angesehen,
23 Stimmen
,3.24 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Timid touch ... street training young master 29.9.2006
Timid Touch
Your confidence is what realy does it , your inner self I
have said many times is the most important aspect . Not your
looks not the bait you own ( your car , house job etc) the bait
does a great job attracting the girls but will not keep them
if the inner you is not the male herr inner self realy needs
. And girls need a confident male , over and over that aspect
is ...
1 Kommentare, 78 Angesehen,
2 Stimmen
,0.34 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Dating your ex, picking up where u left off? 21.9.2006
I you begin to see an ex-gf again, do you think it's implied
that you pick up where you left off sexually? Or do you think
that things should be taken slow as if meeting for the first
Granted a lot of relationships are built on one-night-stands
in the first place, in that case would you WANT to take things
slower the second time round?
3 Kommentare, 73 Angesehen,
2 Stimmen
,5.20 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Ex's new bf rubbing it in. 20.9.2006
So I guess this is sort of a question for the ladies, maybe
even the guys to.
I've recently had a very nasty breakup with a girlfriend
of a year or so. Things ended very bitterly. It's now
a couple weeks later. We haven't spoken and we seem
to have gotten on with our lives.
I now get text messages from my ex-girlfriends new bf bragging
how he's banging my ex gf in an attempt to ...
1 Kommentare, 364 Angesehen,
2 Stimmen
,5.20 Gesamtpunktzahl |
i need am man who cares 10.9.2006
i need a man who cares alot
a man that is generous hardworkin g and friendly and
4 Kommentare, 231 Angesehen,
12 Stimmen
,4.39 Gesamtpunktzahl |
~NICE TRY ~ 5 FT 10 1/2 INCHES OF HUNCH 30.8.2006
~~ Nice Try ~~ 5 foot 10 & ½ inches of hunch
Hunch , the message of your inner animal , the sub conciuos
mind speaking based on all that info it gathers about your
surroundings … all the things you at your thinking level
of mind yu do not see or understand !! as true hunch is just
the feeling! It has not words , , if you feel or thnk about
words than it is not true hunch , ...
0 Kommentare, 310 Angesehen,
2 Stimmen
,0.34 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Where else can meet asian tv's/ts's or cd's in the uk? 5.8.2006
Does anybody know of somewhere either online or in person
where i can meet asian/oriental ts's/tv's or
cd's in the uk?
There doesn't seem to be too mmany on this site!
I welcome any advice anybody may have.
Many thanks.
2 Kommentare, 34 Angesehen,
4 Stimmen
,0.92 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Where are the scar fetishists? 2.8.2006
I am a 21 year old who has been in a few D/S relationships as
a Dom after moving away from vanilla, and I have to wonder
where all the scar fetishists are? Well besides Germany
and Cali. You would think that me being so close to Chicago
I could find a good female sub/slave or maybe even a switch
who wasn't so put off by them.
1 Kommentare, 508 Angesehen,
2 Stimmen
,1.73 Gesamtpunktzahl |
busty babes enter 1.8.2006
im looking to meet a sexy busty babe
0 Kommentare, 117 Angesehen,
2 Stimmen
,1.04 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Why can,t I find a sexual partner? 11.7.2006
I have been in Phoenix all of my sexual days, and have been
sexually addicted since before I new about G spot, or anal
sex.When I firt remember my sex antics were at the dinner
table I would prop my fore arms flat on the table were I could
slitly liuft my bottom ever so slightly off the chair.Once
at this poinnt I would slowly rythymaticaly sway my thighs, round
and round then side to side. ...
0 Kommentare, 551 Angesehen,
10 Stimmen
,1.19 Gesamtpunktzahl |
what women really want ? 6.7.2006
a question to most mens thought .what do women really want
, ladies please answer lots of responces from a variety
of different ladies will give clueless men some ideas
1 Kommentare, 224 Angesehen,
2 Stimmen
,1.04 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Finding a woman whose interested in trying diapers 25.6.2006
If your not kinky, your just plain and
boring. Spice up your sex life with
If your a girl who wants a man whose loving, caring, devoted,
kinky, romantic, has a positive future , and would enjoy
being diapered together then welcome, im Kevin, and I might
just be ur man. I'll love u, cherish u, and if u liked,
diaper u forever.
1 Kommentare, 138 Angesehen,
7 Stimmen
,2.28 Gesamtpunktzahl |
meeting place 20.6.2006
When ever I have met folk from alt I have always tried to meet
in a safe place but they dont seem to worry where they meet
folk never seem to be put off by meeting in car parks why so
1 Kommentare, 90 Angesehen,
4 Stimmen
,2.47 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Selfish or Performance Preference 19.6.2006
Okay, I’m a 21 yr old male and I’ve always wanted to engage
in a 3some with a sexy little woman and a she-male, to experience
the fantasy of being with two women at the same time. While
also having the pleasure of DP-ing a woman to orgasm, but
here is my concern with this fantasy I hope to one-day par
take in.
I love to eat pussy, giving oral pleasure is something that
I feel ...
0 Kommentare, 161 Angesehen,
2 Stimmen
,3.81 Gesamtpunktzahl |
my difficulty with finding a man 15.6.2006
It's not hard to find a man who'd wanna date on here.
But when I'm not here why does it seem a thousand times
harder to find someone? Either they wont approach me because
i seem 'unapproachable' or I simply decline because
of the usual same reasons. When most men try to talk to me,
its either A) They have an asian fetish which most of them
do and I would know if every other minute they ask ...
1 Kommentare, 268 Angesehen,
7 Stimmen
,2.28 Gesamtpunktzahl |
phantom of purgatory .... 6.6.2006
lurking around the mist of time, haunting. writing my opera
with gray ink i find my soul wondering why?
the mask upon my face to hide from the human race
the true creature inside with visual perseption being
your first judge.i have to stop and ask why?
is the human race so shallow not to see beneath the mask?
creature lurking in the shadows you know the one you will
not grasp. or is he ...
0 Kommentare, 22 Angesehen,
2 Stimmen
,1.73 Gesamtpunktzahl |
phantom of purgatory .... 6.6.2006
lurking around the mist of time, haunting. writing my opera
with gray ink i find my soul wondering why?
the mask upon my face to hide from the human race
the true creature inside with visual perseption being
your first judge.i have to stop and ask why?
is the human race so shallow not to see beneath the mask?
creature lurking in the shadows you know the one you will
not grasp. or is he ...
0 Kommentare, 16 Angesehen,
1 Stimmen
,2.40 Gesamtpunktzahl |
help wanted! and submisives! 4.6.2006
i am in purgatory and need help from the females and male
i am a 35 year old male and find my self lacing in many area's
( i guess I'm to vanilla with as much sex appeal as a candy
my wife loves this lifestyle and needs both mental stimulation
and friendship, playmates .Someone see is proud to be
seen with at the bdsm clubs
some one to feel the needs i can not.
so ...
1 Kommentare, 33 Angesehen,
3 Stimmen
,2.45 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Looking for my first master 21.5.2006
Why I get E mails from all men asked me to meet them without
panty .I am not that type
why they did not ask to wear sexy one black or white what they
like ? do you have the felling that If I do not wear this I will
not be hot , I am exicted already from the Idea that I get
an E mail from you instruct me to shave and be ready for your
any Idea what is the best to wear ...
3 Kommentare, 267 Angesehen,
14 Stimmen
,4.42 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Who the hell pays these days? 6.5.2006
I have never really been one to go out on dates. Even as a .
I only ever really went out on dates with my girlfriend....I
have only been on a couple of dates in which the goal to get
to know someone better. I also don't usually date girls
I haven't already had sweaty jungle sex with!
I usually meet girls at parties or cafes or the laundromat
(something about those churning machines...) ...
0 Kommentare, 285 Angesehen,
2 Stimmen
,3.81 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Anyone give me the best BROAD SPECTRUM relationship advice? 13.4.2006
I've had two long long term ones back to back, so I'm
really out of it. Anyone who wants to give me for assistance
would be good.
0 Kommentare, 26 Angesehen,
0 Stimmen
why are we so closed minded? 5.3.2006
trying to trans-end the bounders of the social order
and childish sexual amusements of the opposite sex .
is a trifling impossible task in the DBMS life style
on a quest for self growth and brighter futures to have something
incoming with someone i find my self stumbling and hitting
my face , from social rejection
with a self exerted , superficial , closed minder
to a outsider .who is ...
0 Kommentare, 25 Angesehen,
2 Stimmen
,1.73 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Angel 12.2.2006
Fiona was the most beautiful of all the angels in heaven.
she had long, brown hair, a tan body and supple breasts.
Fiona was also the most beloved of angels. She had taken
a vow of chastity and given herself fully to the Lord. Fiona
was perfect.
But one day, on a trip to Earth, the devil saw her beauty and
kidnapped her.
"She shall be mine, " he said. "all ...
0 Kommentare, 241 Angesehen,
6 Stimmen
,2.51 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Protected sex 29.1.2006
It's okay to *READ* stories about unprotected sex
others outside a monogamous relationship. But it isn't
okay to *HAVE* unprotected sex with people other than
a trusted partner. You only have one body per lifetime,
so take good care of it!
3 Kommentare, 287 Angesehen,
16 Stimmen
,4.89 Gesamtpunktzahl |
FF 18.1.2006
Looking for Woman, that loves to use a' tight ass + a'
lot more.I'm living in Denmark, but do travell a'
lot in my Work.
Hope you vill write to me !
0 Kommentare, 59 Angesehen,
2 Stimmen
,2.42 Gesamtpunktzahl |
DOMCOUPLE 8.1.2006
0 Kommentare, 310 Angesehen,
3 Stimmen
,4.41 Gesamtpunktzahl |
my 8.1.2006
Happy New Yera!
0 Kommentare, 67 Angesehen,
3 Stimmen
,0.49 Gesamtpunktzahl |
First Date Sex 4.1.2006
I recently met this guy and we talked on the phone for 5 hours,
about regular vanilla stuff. I am attracted to him as a person.
He's deep and rediculously intelligent. A bit of a
book worm, based on his looks, so I am probably the hottest
girl he has ever been aproached by.
Our first date was amazing and we ended up in his apartment.
His kiss took my breath away, I lost all control, ...
4 Kommentare, 524 Angesehen,
12 Stimmen
,3.86 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Please date me, I'm a tramp! 4.1.2006
I had a revelation the other day. I was looking in the mirror,
and damn, I look like a man in drag. Then I looked down and
saw the deformities that some call breasts. I thought about
my behavior of late: since I have no class, and no real gentleman
would want me, what else could I do but appear naked on this
site? And even though I have children at home, I thought
it was ok to make ...
7 Kommentare, 736 Angesehen,
29 Stimmen
,5.45 Gesamtpunktzahl |
STRESSING!!!!! 4.1.2006
no matter how hard i try, no matter how many winks i send
or how many people i add to my hotlist nobody will view me!!WHERE
AM I GOING WRONG??!!as a standard member i know that its
going to be more difficult getting people to look at my profile
but people do manage it.i would put it down to me just being
a boring ugly git but as people arent viewing me at all then
im going wrong ...
6 Kommentare, 301 Angesehen,
8 Stimmen
,2.32 Gesamtpunktzahl |
first meeting 2.1.2006
Ever wonder what goes though a transsexuals mind when they
end up getting a date from this site? Well, let me tell ya!
First, your mind starts thinking "oh shit, what am
I going to wear", then the closer to the meeting time,
it doesn't really matter what you have closen because
you know it will be wrong. You wonder what will happen or
how far will you go on the 1st meeting, will you submit ...
0 Kommentare, 190 Angesehen,
8 Stimmen
,2.09 Gesamtpunktzahl |
No strings attatched sex for honest clean cut guy 11.12.2005
I am a married man who is looking for some extra spice that
is different then what I get at home. I just want to be able
to meet and make a lady feel very sexy and fullfill her sexual
desires without having to answer to a man or have a relationship
with one person. I am open minded and looking for some extra
spice. Any ladies out there able to give me that extra spice??
Drop me an email and ...
0 Kommentare, 386 Angesehen,
0 Stimmen
New to this scene 18.11.2005
At heart I am an exhibitionist slut wanting more action.
Please look at my profile photos and let me know if I look
sexy or should give this up. For those interested I have
an album with more photos.
5 Kommentare, 485 Angesehen,
18 Stimmen
,2.99 Gesamtpunktzahl |
am i too much? 11.11.2005
i am submissive sexually but have an overall assertive
demeanor. i went out with a dom the other day and had a great
time but he said that dating someone like me would take though.
is there anything wrong with being who you are? note that
i do like more along the lines of forced so my demeanor may
seem more goaled at that.
3 Kommentare, 258 Angesehen,
5 Stimmen
,3.14 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Pumped to Ecstacy 8.11.2005
Oh goodness!!! I just found out recently this month how
much sexual stamina my new man, Jeff, has in him. On our second
date, he brought me some sexy black silk and lace undies
and made me strip off my red satin minidress dress &
put on a black satin teddy and garter belt with them. The
black seamed stockings he also provided were held taught
against my shapely, firm legs by the garters. I ...
3 Kommentare, 647 Angesehen,
35 Stimmen
,7.47 Gesamtpunktzahl |
stood up 7.11.2005
being stood up is a terrible thing you think its no big deal
but all your doing is fucking yourself out of fun time and
when you say your coming over and gonna call and never do
its like telling me im getting some and lieing to me
0 Kommentare, 95 Angesehen,
4 Stimmen
,4.02 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Never enough Discipline 7.11.2005
I set out of the door for dinner with my date that I have yet
to meet in person. I have on my kinky red shoes and pants and
low cut shirt. Of course I know he is into rope bondage and
spanking. And of course he most certaintly knows that I
am a stubborn bratty sub. There will be no skirt the first
time, he's gonna have to guess how I look and feel under
those pants. We meet and kiss and ...
8 Kommentare, 635 Angesehen,
21 Stimmen
,3.13 Gesamtpunktzahl |
why 23.10.2005
do women think that we guys are just out to fuck and then forget
them ?
in my case of late it is true , but in times past i would be a
/use my manners and not be forward
i, d wait if i had to
but most women never bothered to accept a 2nd date ,
so i said "fuckem and forgetem"
it works for me anymore
but with women being born 7 to 1 man you, d think women would ...
0 Kommentare, 95 Angesehen,
5 Stimmen
,0.86 Gesamtpunktzahl |
And the best way to woo women is... 31.8.2005
Forget expensive presents or costly jewelry. Wining and
dining is the best way for men to woo women.
Researchers at Imperial College London developed a mathematical
formula and modeled courtship as a sequential game to find
the best way to impress the ladies.
Their results show that offering an expensive present
signals the man's serious intentions but he must be ...
2 Kommentare, 220 Angesehen,
15 Stimmen
,3.44 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Transgender Dating. 20.8.2005
I'm out of the Fresno California area and I have no Idea
of where to find a transgender friend to have fun with in
the local area of central ca. Any advise would be great.
1 Kommentare, 278 Angesehen,
1 Stimmen
Local Play Time in San Diego 12.8.2005
Contact me with your interest and all will be given more
info on the "Local Play Time" party in San Diego.
As far as type of people that will attends, only men looking
for men. The rest, well you can look at my bio for an ideal!
0 Kommentare, 57 Angesehen,
3 Stimmen
DATING ON ALT 29.5.2005
3 Kommentare, 357 Angesehen,
5 Stimmen
,1.19 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Assholes 2.5.2005
I may have the answer to the age old question… why do women
fall for assholes/only seem to want men they can’t have?
Because it’s not a choice. You can’t choose who you love.
And oftentimes, men do not reveal themselves as assholes
until you really get to know them, by which time, you’ve
already been shot by Cupid‘s arrow . Women who are very self
aware can realize that they ...
7 Kommentare, 1010 Angesehen,
34 Stimmen
,5.22 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Got past the four messages 5.4.2005
Hello to all there. The new year has been grand, to say the
least. Finally got together with the woman who was sending
messages. Yes, it seems that there are things that do come
up in one's life. And discretion in this lifestyle
is definitely needed, and sought! Patience is a virtue
they say. We finally met, and let me tell you, shw was worth
waiting for. Quite a woman, quite a sub, and ...
0 Kommentare, 128 Angesehen,
8 Stimmen
,1.86 Gesamtpunktzahl |
What do you do when it happens (T's) 28.3.2005
The first time I transformed this issue came up my friend
who I had know for years made comments about she-males he
knew that I was changing one day it did come up sex of course,
this was from someone who would never be gay in the usual
sense strange but true gays aren't attracted to T's
maybe a bi male oddly it is straits who decide they want a
T. I guess we are the 3'd sex are not stuck ...
0 Kommentare, 289 Angesehen,
11 Stimmen
,2.79 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Please ! 1.2.2005
I beg all of you who receive mail to answer it, even though
you not interesting in further contact. Then we got an confirmation
that you received the mail. I will also inform you that I
still seeking a female slave, a slave by heart.
1 Kommentare, 304 Angesehen,
12 Stimmen
,2.80 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Watching erotic time 5.1.2005
Does anyone else feel shy about their body, and performing
in front of others? Is it something that one gets used to?
my shyness is very appealing to my Master and He doesn't
want me to lose it, but i wish that i wasn't always that
3 Kommentare, 409 Angesehen,
35 Stimmen
,3.59 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Doctors need 27.12.2004
I seek, men who like to be a doctor, who like the sam things,
i need. Its very diffucult to find dominant ore sadistic
men, who love medical also.
4 Kommentare, 560 Angesehen,
29 Stimmen
,4.44 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Transferring from online to R/L dating 20.12.2004
I believe the online to r/l transfer to be a huge turning
point in ones status in the lifestyle. Whether it be B&D,
D/s or S&M - coming out of the closet (meaning online to r/l)
is a huge step.
For one to do this I believe a support group of local clubs,
meetings etc. is essential and the support (in my case of
local Dom/mes and subs) is extremely beneficial.
What do you think about ...
1 Kommentare, 155 Angesehen,
15 Stimmen
,2.98 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Family meetings with Doms 19.12.2004
i have a question about introducing ones Master to meet
their family. my Master is such a wonderful loving Man,
what if i call Him Master in front of them? Is this a common
problem for subs? How do O/others deal with it?
3 Kommentare, 421 Angesehen,
30 Stimmen
,3.24 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Searching 4 my 1st mistress! 17.12.2004
Ive been interested in S+M and D+s for a long time. However,
being young means i hav struggled to find any mistress willing
to show me.i need to see how far i go and wat i can take.im very
interested in spanking and strap-on sex.i live in orpington(near
london and bromley)and i am willing to travel within london.if
u wish 2 contact me, my email is ALT.com
im begging you 2 guide me through ...
0 Kommentare, 138 Angesehen,
8 Stimmen
,0.70 Gesamtpunktzahl |
New to the site 15.12.2004
I, sometimes, find dating to be pointless. I am old fashioned
in the sense that I wouldn't have "a friend with
benefits", yet I hate the title that is added to dating.
It only seems to add more complications to a relationship.
I know that I could easily have a "Fuck buddy",
but I'm not exactly ready to go into that, if ever. I
like to know the person and have equal respect ...
7 Kommentare, 412 Angesehen,
38 Stimmen
,3.24 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Looking for a date in holland 11.12.2004
Hey I'm looking for a date in Holland, I'm looking
for girls, woman or couples... I love bdsm, so please mail
me if your intrested.
i'm also looking fot a cyber mistress. So please use
me. ALT.com
0 Kommentare, 63 Angesehen,
10 Stimmen
,1.19 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Just give up 10.12.2004
Just give up, why try anymore. Ive been looking for that
extra somone to add to my life. Where is she. Ive been searching
all over this country, from florida to washington state.
yet no one. on this and all other web pages like alt.com all
there is, is spam, or fakes, somone who wants to play games,
or someone who isnt looking at all, but say they are. All
I find are people who sound ...
0 Kommentare, 130 Angesehen,
12 Stimmen
,1.74 Gesamtpunktzahl |
2 Kommentare, 234 Angesehen,
36 Stimmen
,2.89 Gesamtpunktzahl |
meeting a mistress 6.12.2004
i'm a 33 years old tv from holland
are there any mistress who make me her maid/slut
i like to wear latex, corsets, short skirts.
i'm into forced feminisation.
you can mail me on ALT.com
love stefany
2 Kommentare, 442 Angesehen,
35 Stimmen
,4.30 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Older lady 4.12.2004
i would like to find an older lady for sex , not the BDSM sort
of thing you see on here every day , but kissing , a cuddle
, petting , mastubation , or normal vanilla sex .OK a
little bit of bondage or a little spanking would be nice
.but mainly i seem to be developing a fetish toward older
ladies. now I'm no toy boy (50 next year). are there
any older ladies on this site? is any one over ...
0 Kommentare, 114 Angesehen,
12 Stimmen
,3.15 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Individuals Who Date Others Who Don't Value Them 21.11.2004
We are all ultimately in charge of how we allow another individual
to treat us. If we don't set limits and expect others
to honor our boundaries some won't. Relationship
patterns also come into play here. If during our cognitive
shaping years we live in an enviornment where we are cared
for and nurtured we grow up with healthy self esteem and
expect others to treat us well. If we grow up ...
3 Kommentare, 570 Angesehen,
90 Stimmen
,6.65 Gesamtpunktzahl |
re: why women date jerks 16.11.2004
It seems since women (and men) grow up in a patriarchal society
(US) that deep down they are taught to expect to be denigrated
by men. From personal experience and discussion with a
few women they are attracted to men who treat them badly
(verbally and physically). Men who are considerate, intelligent,
compassionate and basically are relegated to be "best
friends". Hopefully in my ...
3 Kommentare, 162 Angesehen,
29 Stimmen
,5.85 Gesamtpunktzahl |
if i meet mistress i will suck & lick not talk 9.11.2004
hello evryone here i ant to say i'm happy coz i be member
here in this site.
1 Kommentare, 200 Angesehen,
33 Stimmen
,3.88 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Players & The Games They Play 24.10.2004
You recieve an e-mail from someone on alt. After viewing
their profile, you determine that they are someone who
you have enough in common with to explore the possibilities
afforded two people who desire to explore a connection.
After answering their e-mail, you get a response back.
One thing leads to another and the two of you opt to meet in
real time. This is where things get interesting. ...
7 Kommentare, 209 Angesehen,
80 Stimmen
,5.05 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Re: "I want to be in Control!" 28.9.2004
If you want to be in control, first you must have control
over yourself. As the recipient of one of your name calling
smarmy commented letters after being honestly and upfront
told that things would not click, you replied with a barrage
of insulting comments. He that cannot control himself
and was previously told under no uncertain terms not to
waste my time and theirs, should perhaps ...
0 Kommentare, 89 Angesehen,
11 Stimmen
,6.72 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Re: "I want to be in Control!" 28.9.2004
If you want to be in control, first you must have control
over yourself. As the recipient of one of your name calling
smarmy commented letters after being honestly and upfront
told that things would not click, you replied with a barrage
of insulting comments. He that cannot control himself
and was previously told under no uncertain terms not to
waste my time and theirs, should perhaps ...
3 Kommentare, 146 Angesehen,
43 Stimmen
,8.15 Gesamtpunktzahl |
why women date jerks 22.9.2004
can anyone tell me why breath taking ladys go after the jerks
who treat them like trash ? anyone
3 Kommentare, 100 Angesehen,
13 Stimmen
,5.49 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Can a dream become true 20.9.2004
Well I am trying to date some asian woman or shemale cause
my dream is own a collared asian slave but seems that also
if I am pone to recive as guest or I can wait longer periods
before ask her to travel to Italy nobody is interested....
can it be a real culture difference or is juts a wrong approach?
I wish have some suggestion thank's to all of you especially
to who have ...
1 Kommentare, 194 Angesehen,
22 Stimmen
,0.24 Gesamtpunktzahl |
I've got balls 18.9.2004
Alt has been such a sheer pleasure for me to get my jellies
off. Most thrill seekers here don’t even know what the BDSM
acronym stands for! I have been on a couple of dates and the
most impressive comment I got was…I like you because you
have the balls to say what you want done to you. I’ve only
said a couple of sentences before I was asked to stop because
I was giving him a hard on. ...
2 Kommentare, 230 Angesehen,
26 Stimmen
,4.10 Gesamtpunktzahl |
I Want To Be In Control! 15.9.2004
I want
or too vanilla for some. I believe there is a Lady on this a relationship where My Woman knows her place &
is willing to get in it. I guess that's just plain old-fashioned
site for me, that is more "the Lady in the streets"
scenario and she knows who she belongs to and is loyal &
good opinion is a strong one. obedient also. So I don't think anyone is really trying
to put off ...
0 Kommentare, 39 Angesehen,
17 Stimmen
,0.86 Gesamtpunktzahl |
croatian girls 11.9.2004
croatian girls from all over the world should contact me,
I, m alfa and omega of BDSM in all of Balcans
0 Kommentare, 58 Angesehen,
18 Stimmen
Re: Advice to achieve slavery 5.9.2004
Before you get married ...
You owe it to yourself and to your future mate to be as open
and honest about what you expect sexually and otherwise
in your marriage. Don't "wait" for someone
to get the hint, or sit on the sidelines and "hope"
some piece of magic happens and SUDDENLY your mate gets
If you want to be his slave and serve him in ...
0 Kommentare, 41 Angesehen,
26 Stimmen
,7.99 Gesamtpunktzahl |
tv looking for a girlfriend/playmate 5.9.2004
are there any girls interested in fooling around with a
cute tv?
2 Kommentare, 99 Angesehen,
23 Stimmen
,3.71 Gesamtpunktzahl |
If U want her to fall in luv! 2.9.2004
0 Kommentare, 131 Angesehen,
29 Stimmen
,3.74 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Re: If one having a slight disibilaty prevent a relationship 30.8.2004
I have a disability (above-the-knee amputation), but
I have managed to meet people who are , caring, compassionate
and couldnt care less if I had one leg or three. You just
have to be patient and you will find the mate who will overlook
your minor incapabilitys. Being honest up front about
your disability is important, as I have learned from a previous
experience that not being honest ...
1 Kommentare, 59 Angesehen,
19 Stimmen
,7.34 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Please READ profiles BEFORE responding!!! 30.8.2004
When someone is looking for something or some you are NOT,
it is not personal. It is just not YOU that they desire. They
are also likely NOT what you desire. Do you really want someone
who wants someone else and NOT you?
So please read profiles, before responding. Not doing
so is extremely rude, self-centered, and disrespectful!
Is that really the first impression you ...
0 Kommentare, 112 Angesehen,
65 Stimmen
,6.99 Gesamtpunktzahl |
First Date questions 18.8.2004
When meeting someone on this website, or others like it;
How does it differ from say a date with a stranger?
I've let to meet someone face to face, but I keep thinking
that I'm not going to be able to keep my mind on talking,
insted I know a lot about this person both physically and
Anybody have an advice or stories?
1 Kommentare, 66 Angesehen,
39 Stimmen
,5.52 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Havn't been having any luck 9.8.2004
I havn't been having much luck with alt. I was wondering
if anyone had suggestions in order to get more activity
and more fun nights. So far all the girls I've met have
been crazy or I just wasn't interested. I'm just
trying to meet a cute thin nice girl with a hell of a sex drive!
What should I do????? Any suggestions?? Either reply or
send me an email.
0 Kommentare, 103 Angesehen,
29 Stimmen
,4.34 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Could you help me out of this closet? It sucks in here. 5.8.2004
Hi there. Im a twentyone year old guy living in the berkshires
looking for a guy between the ages of 21 and 30 to drag me out
of the closet Iv'e been living in my whole life. Im available
and am seriously seeking some one to share myself with.
I must admit Im a little aprehensive. Im looking for a soft
Dom with a lot of compasion and a big heart. I see myself as
being loyal, loving and easy ...
0 Kommentare, 52 Angesehen,
24 Stimmen
,5.63 Gesamtpunktzahl |
RE: If one having a slight disibilaty prevent a relationship. 17.7.2004
She was an ass and should not have accepted the date with
you. I had to wrie as I too have a slight disability and have
had similar experiences. However, I have been involved
with a greater number of peoplee who honestly could not
have cared. My advice is just keep your chin up. She knew
she was treating you badly so you should have ignored her
like you did. Good luck in future dates!
0 Kommentare, 71 Angesehen,
26 Stimmen
,7.45 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Looking For A Real Time Relationship! 9.7.2004
Hi I am a submissive hot and sexy crossdresser insearch
of a Dominate Female and I am having little luck finding
anyone interested Iam really a very nice person just a little
kinky and fun.I hope to find someone someday and hope for
a lasting relationship.Please contacr me if interested.I
promise you wont be disappointed.Love Jenny.
0 Kommentare, 121 Angesehen,
35 Stimmen
,5.70 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Making contact with swingers like Us!!! 29.6.2004
Hello there, this is LIVEDREAM22 we would love to make conact
with those of you out there that share the same interests
that we do. We are Semi-new too this and sure would like some
help. Swing by our profile and see what you think people.
Hope to hear from you all soon.
Keep it hot and erotic people,
L and T
1 Kommentare, 39 Angesehen,
27 Stimmen
,2.71 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Requests for the next date? 14.6.2004
I finally found a cool DOMME!!
For our next encounter, she asked me to give some suggestions
on a setting.
As we'll make a couple of pictures to be posted here,
your proposals would be good for you, too
Any suggestions?
If not, it'll be some usual DOM/SUB setting, maybe
something with male secretary...
0 Kommentare, 55 Angesehen,
26 Stimmen
,6.05 Gesamtpunktzahl |
i need real relation 12.6.2004
hi my sweet girl how r u ?
i wich u r what i need , i looking 4 true realtion love, frinds, or
sex as what u like to do
0 Kommentare, 23 Angesehen,
28 Stimmen
,3.24 Gesamtpunktzahl |
re: relationship w/ some one younger. 3.6.2004
well if she contacted u first, then there shoudln't
be a problem. have u guys traded pics yet? if u have then she
must like what she sees in u, and vise versa. but if u haven't,
then maybe u guys should chat over the phone. see where she
wants to go with u, relationship wise, and go from there
0 Kommentare, 47 Angesehen,
49 Stimmen
,4.80 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Re: Best Place to meet new people 29.5.2004
If you are in to BDSM then just do a google search of BDSM Munches
with the name of your city or the closest city.
You can also google BDSM Clubs <your city> Look at
the calendar of events and attend a local Munch.
A munch is where people interested in BDSM gather at a restaurant
for lunch, dinner or drinks just to chat and get to know one
another. No Fetish wear is worn since ...
0 Kommentare, 42 Angesehen,
61 Stimmen
,9.19 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Relationship with someone much younger. 20.5.2004
I've been talking to a girl online...but she's
15 years younger than me (I'm 36 and she's 21).
Does anyone have any advise, good or bad experiences...etc.
Any advise would be appreciated. Also, she is the one who
contacted me first...so she must like older men.
0 Kommentare, 41 Angesehen,
62 Stimmen
,7.27 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Long Distance. 20.5.2004
Do long distance relationships work? I talking with someone
who lives an hour away...who also has small children and
cannot travel.
A few of my past relationships were "weekend only"
types. We would talk 3 or 4 times a week and spend weekends
together...it lasted you 6 years.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to make long distance work?
1 Kommentare, 116 Angesehen,
51 Stimmen
,6.79 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Best places to meet new people 28.4.2004
I am a single guy, 31 years old and all of my friends are married
with kids. I am not into the bar scene so where is a good place
to meet new people.
0 Kommentare, 32 Angesehen,
58 Stimmen
,7.35 Gesamtpunktzahl |
RE. Fake ID's 5.4.2004
The most likely places where this sort of scene would be,
is in Bombday, Bangalore or Goa.
0 Kommentare, 46 Angesehen,
26 Stimmen
,4.32 Gesamtpunktzahl |
10 questions you might ask to see how compatiable u are 17.3.2004
dont remember where this came from but i have used some of
these questions to (feel out )a possible date works for
both men and woman just use the right gender you will be suprised
at what you find out remember it s only fair to answer them
in return if she / he askes you what you feel
1. What do you think is the biggest mistake that men ...
0 Kommentare, 40 Angesehen,
44 Stimmen
,7.62 Gesamtpunktzahl |
10 questions you might ask to see how compatiable u are 17.3.2004
dont remember where this came from but i have used some of
these questions to (feel out )a possible date works for
both men and woman just use the right gender you will be suprised
at what you find out remember it s only fair to answer them
in return if she / he askes you what you feel
1. What do you think is the biggest mistake that men ...
0 Kommentare, 88 Angesehen,
24 Stimmen
,6.65 Gesamtpunktzahl |
The Four of Us 11.3.2004
We had our first "date" with another couple
last weekend and it was great! Having a delicious dinner,
listening to a guy on guitar at the perfect pub, wondering,
if this is the strangest thing, or one of them, that I have
ever done. The other couple was so nice, and we had so much
in common too. But sometimes even with great sex, the chemistry
is not perfect. I guess you have to think of ...
0 Kommentare, 131 Angesehen,
15 Stimmen
,4.82 Gesamtpunktzahl |
How is dating done in the BDSM World? 24.2.2004
I consider myself a slave by nature. I havent had much experience
in BDSM as I seem to only attract wannabes etc. I also do not
have much experience dating even in the vanilla world.
I have been a silver member thinking that it would be a better
way to weed out the wannabes but it really isnt. I may not
have a lot of experience but my gut tells me that one doesnt
just jump into bed or into ...
1 Kommentare, 219 Angesehen,
68 Stimmen
,8.51 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Re: Ratio 19.2.2004
This is in reference to the article from the ummm gentleman
(?) I use that term loosely here, who said that "girls"
on alt must be getting laid alot based on the gender ratio.
Excuse me, the women, not girls, little man on this site
aren't here to be served up like meat on a platter. Many
of us are here seeking a like minded freindship, perhaps
more with someone who isn't out looking for ...
0 Kommentare, 81 Angesehen,
25 Stimmen
,6.01 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Re: All Is Not What It Seems 9.2.2004
Malls are a great place for an initial meeting. There is
typically security present and you are very well protected
should something go wrong. No one should demand that you
or anyone else, male or female engage in intimacy of any
form on a first date. If they do this is a definite red flag
and should motivate you to walk away as fast as your feet
will carry you. While people do engage ...
0 Kommentare, 74 Angesehen,
35 Stimmen
,8.17 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Re: First Date Flatulence 9.2.2004
The proper (and humane) thing to do when moved to expel gas
is to do so in the confines of a bathroom. There are many effective
medications on the market to combat excessive flatulence,
you should take your dates comfort into account and purchase
one before the meeting. I personally would remove myself
from the presense of anyone who felt that this gross and
obnoxious behavior was ...
0 Kommentare, 47 Angesehen,
21 Stimmen
,5.85 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Re: Is It True That Nice Guys Finish Last? 8.2.2004
Very complex question here with multi-faceted answers.
Reality is we suceed or don't in a relationship based
on the life experiences of the individual we are attracted
to, and our own. Throughout life we develop relationship
patterns which we re-enact on a continuim. This however
isn't set in stone and we do have the option of looking
for and at patterns to avoid repeating negative ones ...
0 Kommentare, 45 Angesehen,
24 Stimmen
,7.33 Gesamtpunktzahl |
When Chemistry Just Isn't There 30.1.2004
You check your mail and find a message from someone who says
they are very interested. After reading their profile
you determine that their are enough commonalities to spark
your interest and you reply. From there you progress to
communicating via e-mail. If you continue to find one another
interesting, phone numbers are typically exchanged.
At some point you decide to meet and choose a ...
0 Kommentare, 54 Angesehen,
41 Stimmen
,7.24 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Re: Nude Photos 21.1.2004
Ok I have to agree with her right there. I mean I love a good
cock shot however if you have nothing other than that to
offer in the way of mystery why bother?
It makes me wonder if the cock shot is your only way of possibly
getting a hit on alt. NOW I am NOT unreasonable I have talked
to many many men that sit with empty mailboxes or porn crap
that fills them, perhaps ...
6 Kommentare, 212 Angesehen,
88 Stimmen
,6.78 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Re: Facesitting 8.1.2004
Im an experienced Dom and I luv for my little girls to sit
on my face. I always lie on my back and support their ass/hips
with my hands as my arms are laying fat on the mattress. Perhaps
its because I have strong arms I can always lift the woman
off it gets to be too much but I really enjoy getting into
the pussy that way. You get the other labia to lay flat on
your face and get your ...
0 Kommentare, 92 Angesehen,
59 Stimmen
,7.93 Gesamtpunktzahl |
RE: What's the best way..... 11.11.2003
you might want to put this in the 'Advice' area
of the magazine, then it would be easier for people to respond
and easier for you to read the responses.
0 Kommentare, 29 Angesehen,
22 Stimmen
,5.17 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Didn't realize 9.11.2003
Silly me!!! I thought I was going to find articles here about
dating...not fictional accounts of some "date"
someone had. What's up with that? They should have
a fiction section. Please...like I really believe the
story about the girl on the bus, the other girl's "second
date", the mistress that had a girl lick her shit in
the bathroom. I just hope that most people who read these
things ...
0 Kommentare, 32 Angesehen,
52 Stimmen
,8.74 Gesamtpunktzahl |
RE: Re the BBW and breaking in a new slave 7.11.2003
I also found this story to be loathsome. I found myself in
agreement with your opening sentences regarding this
article, but then your critique took a disparaging turn
and you too should know better--two wrongs don't make
a right.
0 Kommentare, 40 Angesehen,
28 Stimmen
,6.53 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Re: Finding REAL love along with lustful passions. 6.11.2003
In short, I was once lucky enough to have found that perfect
love but curcumstances pulled us apart. 17 years later,
I contacted her and found that at the exact day and time I
felt compelled to find out whatever happned to her and looked
up her phone number (I finally called about 3 days later),
she had broken out a box with every letter I had ever written
her and told her husband about the ...
2 Kommentare, 118 Angesehen,
26 Stimmen
,6.05 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Why do so many "Doms" have a cock pics on their profiles? 24.10.2003
Ok, Calling all "Dominants" that have a cock-pic
as the main pic on your profile here and on other dating websites.
i guess you dont know that a quality submissive will see
that pic and move on. "Doms" that put pics of
their cocks on their profile are into kinky sex and really
have no idea what Power Exchange is truly about. 99% of Doms
with cock pics are mostly into BDSM for sex. Most subs ...
1 Kommentare, 41 Angesehen,
45 Stimmen
,6.95 Gesamtpunktzahl |
PLEASE READ 30.8.2003
COMMUNITY...... please read below...
Please excuse my writing again, as I realize that you are
overwhelmed with requests. I did notice that you placed
me on your hot
list. I recently had ...
0 Kommentare, 50 Angesehen,
78 Stimmen
,6.36 Gesamtpunktzahl |
lookin for that special one 28.2.2003
Can anyone suggest where I can find a lady from utah who is
between 45 nd 65 who would enjoy a special visit from a man
that is desperate to have a lady that he can suck all night
and try out her fantasies.
0 Kommentare, 19 Angesehen,
27 Stimmen
,1.56 Gesamtpunktzahl |
A Painful Lesson! 23.11.2002
Her nightmare began the next morning, when he awoke to find
her sitting on the windowsill, he lifted the covers and
motioned for her to lie beside him, saying, “Come lie down
I won’t bite”. After lying down, she mentioned that she
had a headache, he began rubbing her temples, but when she
closed her eyes, he climbed on top of her. When she didn’t
protest, he kissed ...
0 Kommentare, 81 Angesehen,
111 Stimmen
fat gals 6.10.2002
I have always found that rubenesque(sic) ladies to be more
attractive and able tofil the submissive role .However
they also tend to be very shy and few have contaced me .Those
that have I now use as references.
2 Kommentare, 131 Angesehen,
103 Stimmen
,7.11 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Why haven't you got a photo up? 23.7.2002
The first, most fundamental connection between two people
is how they look. Much of the time, you can tell when someone
is interesting to you just from their face or the silhouette
of their figure or even just a part of them. This information
is vital when meeting new people, so why do so many people
not post photographs? Speaking for myself, I rarely write
to anyone unless I've seen them ...
0 Kommentare, 30 Angesehen,
123 Stimmen
,4.42 Gesamtpunktzahl |
re:Sarah 20.7.2002
Sarah, can we talk?? Where are you?
0 Kommentare, 42 Angesehen,
142 Stimmen
do Men want a slut on the first meeting ? 19.7.2002
i am willing-widow and You can look at me here
i am always wondering how to behave and dress the first timei am going out with a man
sexy and i am considered a slut
conservative and i am considered like an old woman
what do You expect from me ?
4 Kommentare, 317 Angesehen,
230 Stimmen
,3.26 Gesamtpunktzahl |
A Little Respect 3.6.2002
I dont understand the "Dating Game" anymore.
Nowadays, it seems to be a case of "lets see how rude we canbe". Why dont people treat others as they would like to be
treated. <br>
I have been let down re meetings on more than one occasion
by more than one man. <br>
They werent even first dates, they were following up meetings.
I wouldnt mind if the man said ...
0 Kommentare, 24 Angesehen,
146 Stimmen
,3.17 Gesamtpunktzahl |
So that's why it was easy to get women during the disco era. 4.5.2002
I've just finished reading several articles in the dating
section about how to dress on a date. Most say "wear a suit"
i.e. look your best. It helped put two and two together so
to speak. I am old enough to remember to disco era and while
I was a die hard rock n roll fan, I do remember that I picked
more girl's at a disco bar than I ever did anywhere else.
While i'm an average looking guy I ...
0 Kommentare, 21 Angesehen,
46 Stimmen
,7.03 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Jeans vs The Suit 19.1.2002
I'll probably be lynched for this but it's genetic. Woman
look for a man that can provide for them and their off spring.
The suit represents the ability to provide for them. In
the back of her head that's what's going on. There's been
many a study, at tax payers expense to prove what you have
experienced. So where the suit and enjoy.
0 Kommentare, 29 Angesehen,
38 Stimmen
,4.90 Gesamtpunktzahl |
It will get better... 5.2.2001
It will get better, I know music to your ears right?
For you guys out there that have had sex that could
have lasted forever then had sex that made you feel
like the best five seconds she ever had, it gets better.
Ok you are upset that you didn't last that long, well
do somethin about it. My first piece of advice is to
go to your local book store, find the sexuality section,
and ...
0 Kommentare, 15 Angesehen,
20 Stimmen
,5.68 Gesamtpunktzahl |
The joys of a night in Bristol 10.1.2001
On a recent business trip to Bristol (UK), I took along a
bag full of my tartiest clothes, ready for a dressing-up
session in my hotel room. Soon, i was preening and prancing
in front of the full-length mirror in my strappy, 4-inch-heeled
sandals; nude, shiny tights; purple, a-line, pvc mini-skirt;
a clingy, black top and black & pink, lacy scanties with
pert little falsey boobs. I ...
1 Kommentare, 64 Angesehen,
32 Stimmen
,5.87 Gesamtpunktzahl |
romance or dominance? 6.1.2001
Being involved with the BDSM lifestyle for over 3 decades
I have seen all of Doms/subs come and go. I see all the
varieties of those who call themselves Doms and a few who
call themselves Master and I wonder whose standards they
are using. Romancing the sub takes a little time but pays off big time
in the long haul. Let us presume that you are a man who wishes
to have more than just ...
0 Kommentare, 29 Angesehen,
79 Stimmen
,8.26 Gesamtpunktzahl |
3 Second Rules 5.1.2001
In April someone wrote a nice article about the Three Second
Rule and I only wish to add that this rule has been known for
centruies under differing titles but the basic rule is
"let your gut instinct RULE". This gut instinct is within each of us and needs only be developed
and strengthened by tiny usage at the start, just do what
seems right to you BUT do it immediately. Hesitation is ...
0 Kommentare, 14 Angesehen,
33 Stimmen
,4.34 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Master/slave is not ABUSE 5.1.2001
It has been suggested in a previous article that Masters
abouse their slaves. While I do not wish to make this a debate
forum, I must simply say that the writers inexperience
shows by the verbage used. Several times the author reminds
the reader that she(presuming gender) has "never been
a slave" or some such. The use of the word "abuse" is oft associated with the ill
informed or the ...
0 Kommentare, 37 Angesehen,
107 Stimmen
,4.67 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Master/Slave 27.1.2000
Why is it that men only want a to abuse their submissive
women? Bearing in mind that I've never been in a master/
slave relationship, but a few of my friends have been and
all of my knowledge comes from their experiences. When
women are the dominants the relationship it seems that
more of the abuse is consentual and the public abuse is kept at
a minimum. Maybe it's comes from the ...
2 Kommentare, 184 Angesehen,
27 Stimmen
,2.61 Gesamtpunktzahl |